Switching between shared Space to Full unit

Level 1
Hilversum, Netherlands

Switching between shared Space to Full unit



Mostly I host when I m gone so visitors can use the full unit but now I m thinking to host as well in the weekends Im there. I have a spare bedroom. But of course the price and decription are different. How do I change this in my ad? I would like some weekends to make it available as a shared space and some weekens as a full unit.


any tips?



2 Replies 2

Hi @Kevin25,


Make an additional lisitng, use one for shared space and another for the full unit. Remember to block the calenders accordingly whenevver you are in the house and whenever you have a booking.


Good day 🙂


Level 1
Hilversum, Netherlands

Ok, thats what I did, I was hoping there was an easier solution but nevermind, i keep doing it this way.


thanks a lot.