I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a st...
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I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a strict 4pm checkin time & they showed up at 2:15 saying they chose ...
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I have an 'outdoor shower' (note the word 'outdoor'). So yesterday a 6 foot giant of a guest whose in the military told me: "You want to check out your shower - this morning there was a centipede in there that freaked me out." I just had to smile. Here's my fantasized solution: "Letter to all centipedes, slugs, spiders and whatever other garden critters live in and around in our little urban farm: While I totally understand that you think the entire garden is your domain (as you are banned -and removed should you forget this- from ALL indoor spaces), please note that you are mistaken. This outdoor shower is a GUEST ONLY SPACE. Please comply with this regulation as of August 2019. PS. if you can't read or understand this notice please return to centipede, slug, spider whatever school so they can teach you the 3 R's:
1) Reading,
2) Respect for guests who are freaked out by you and
3) Reality: us wee humans sometimes have unrealistic expectations of what the great outdoors entail.
Sorry! Yours sincerely The Management."
And I suppose along with that I suppose I should add a list of all possible garden critters under 'shared amenities' for 'just in case'.
Hi @Cari3
please do so and a note to guest to please be mindful of neighbours both human and “garden critter” a kind.
some guests do have a sense of humour.
have a beautiful day!
Yadira 🙂
What a great idea:).
That's the funniest ever!
Maybe you should put a comment along those lines under your outdoor shower photo in your listing;)
Honest to goodness that poor wee centipede probably looked up & thought "Don't you dare step on me. Who do you think you are in MY territory?
Love our little critters & pick up the worms that crawl under my door mat after it''s been raining & put them in my pot plants, only to discover them crawl out under them when it rains..Can't win.
All the best
I know I just had to look him in the eye (hoping he couldn't see the amusement in mine) and say: "Right on.....got it, I'll go check him out" and then turn away and giggling thinking.....instead of paying $29 to stay in an earth cottage that has an outdoor shower, there are plenty of hotels for $179 where I'm sure they have their terrifying centipedes under a much better set of rules and regulations and much hence under much better control than I do mine! And yes, I can imagine that my poor centipede must have been thinking..... "man I'm toast if this dude steps on me". Too funny!
@Cari3, a harmless little centipede, really? He obviously thinks this planet is, or should be, the sole domain of humans and probably uses toxic chemicals to eliminate all signs of life at his place..Sometimes I have to catch spiders as big as my hand to put them outside so my guests don't freak out!
OH I am glad to hear that I'm not the only one with a host of wee critters who share my space:) I have an outdoor sitting nook which my spiders love. I have a note in their that reminds my dear human visitors that even spiders need a home sometimes.
@Cari3 Thanks for the smile... love the idea of listing your critters under "shared amenities"!
I love your places: your urban farm looks so cute. I wish you weren't so far away.
Awe thanks Alexandra - we are lucky to have such a sweet space of earth:) And glad the story made you smile!
I should copy your letter for the four foot copperhead coiled up along my guests walkway, Yikes!
Ha! Maybe we should have a standard airbnb notification drawn up for use by all of us hosts that have critters. Yeah...if a 4 inch centipede freaked our my guest I hate to think what he would have felt like if he had encountered a four foot copperhead.
Oh how I can relate to this post! Thanks for the laugh!
6 foot giant of a guest whose in the military told me: "You want to check out your shower - this morning there was a centipede in there that freaked me out.
When exactly in the human evolution men become such whimps?
A month ago a rat died in our backyard and my neighbor called me to tell me about it. I said ok, I am not at home at the moment, could your husband or your sons (around 30 y.o.) take it and throw it in the trash? She said: Oh, no, they can't, they are disgusted, call professionals to remove it!
So, of course, I did it when I came home.
Tee hee hee. One dead rat needs p;rofessionals to remove it??? Wow!
I try to keep a dead one of these around to show guests, so if they see a live one they won't have a heart attack or scream so loud all the neighbors come running. Whip scorpion/aka false scorpion, they are actually not related to scorpions at all. They are truly horrific looking, move sideways like a crab, can get as big as a dinner plate with the long legs, but have zero toxin and are quite shy. They hang out in dark places (There's lots in my shed), behind furniture, etc. and are actually good guys- they eat other bugs.