Unreasonable refund request

Level 1
Cambridge, MA

Unreasonable refund request

I have a group of guests who stayed in our house for one night and the next day said they couldn't stay there any longer because:

-too hot [we said, why don't you turn on the air conditioners in all the rooms? they said - oh, we don't want to hear any noise]

-light doesn't work in dining room [my husband walked in and turned it on]

-mirror cabinet doesn't close in bathroom [we walked in and closed it]

-there is a crack in the wood floor of one of the bedrooms [the house has floorboards from the 1800's!!] and we're afraid the bed would fall through the floor [this is real, people, can you believe it?]

-the basement is scary


Are we obliged to refund them?? This is a 5 bedroom house that only gets rented to large groups of people or families, usually weeks or often months in advance.  We're not talking about a small sum of money....

We have all great, 5 star reviews... The house is "as is" according to our posting. 


I'm having trouble finding on Airbnb, what our obligations are!



6 Replies 6
Level 10
Santa Rosa, CA

NO you are NOT obliged to refund them. "as-is", btw won't get you out of a valid complaint, but these complaints are not valid.

Write (over an AirBnB Messaging msg) what you just wrote here...from "too hot", to "scary"... Tell them you are sorry they chose to leave...but they are obliged to honor the terms of the stay...be it strict, moderate or flexible.

If they try to get a refund, AirBnB will see that you documented everything.


Level 10
Seattle, WA

@Catherine348 they're hilarious. You're definitely not obligated to give any refund. You fixed all the "issue" that they have, so there should not be anymore problem. They need to be responsible with their decision. If they decide not to turn on AC because of the noise, then enjoy the heat. I don't see why that becomes your responsibility. Please make sure to keep all communication in the airbnb messaging system.



OMG! Where do these people come from?!?!?!? I can't stop laughing.......... afraid the bed will fall through the floor because of a crack in the wood floor and BASEMENT IS SCARY!!!!!!!!!!! 


I hope you have all these exchanges (or proof of them) on your Airbnb msg. If I were you I'd first refuse to entertain any thought of a refund because they are totally bogus and second, I'd contact Airbnb first to inform them that you are in the process of hosting some very unreasonable guests (that you have handled for now) and that they may try to up their game by contacting Airbnb later on for another jab at getting a refund. 

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

They sound..hmmm (trying to be kind).....totally incompetent. One surely must wonder how they have made it this far. Refund? On the contrary, send them a bill for wasting your time.

Level 10
Brookline, MA



Just another voice supporting the opinions you have already read.  

Level 2
Plymouth, MN

I make sure thru the emails before my guests arrive that I get as much info about them as I feel they are comfortable with. Some are very happy that I care so much about their comfort & some treat me like a skid row attendant. Those who choose an actual home to lodge at must be informed that it is that host's home. As I do not support absentee hosts, MY suite is part of MY house & the neighbors, friends & service providers (Trash haulers, repair techs & other maintenance techs.) are also involved with the suite,  as are all the quirks, provisions & workings of MY suite. Every place has its own sounds, light & shadow, smells & various quirks. Normal human beings regard these as the normal way of life. Others...well they explain their behavior by complaining about everything. And unfortunately there is never anything you can do to please them because in their mind they are the only one who counts & nothing

is done properly because then of course they would look silly for even mentioning it. They of course always neglect facts when they communicate with you before they arrive. Their quirks & faults can be deceiving when they explain their preferences or wishes they require of Airbnb hosts. I am honest with them, if they can't have any noises or smells or what seems to be nit picky I tell them they may not be happy here. Just that simple. No need to beat about the bush, I don't need to have someone pay to give me a pain in the neck. I have had a few guests that drove me nuts. But my ability to word my listing when I need to really weeds those individuals out before they show up at my door. Just be firm beforehand FIRM & communicate with them that they are in your home & need to tell you certain values before they arrive so their stay is a perfect one. If they don't want to tell you things, at least you'll have your email record to prove to your guests your dedication to the cause of the Airbnb & good hosts everywhere. Email me if you wish to hear some events from my hosting experience, no names..just the facts & the remedies. Good luck & be strong, it is your home afer all. (:+}