Variable minimum number of guests

Level 1
Barreiro, Portugal

Variable minimum number of guests

Hello there,


I have been wondering about the number of guests feature and have a suggestion:


- Similar to weekend pricing, it could be possible to create an option to chose the different minimum guest number for different periods.


My listing is situated in a seasonal place and hosts from 2 to 6 guests and I’m happy with that, because I can have the apartment busy most of the year (2 guests come often out of season).

But during the summer I would like to be able to have only inquiries from over 4 guests. This would decrease the chance of declining requests (declining 2 guests’ requests while waiting for groups above 4) and therefore generate more satisfaction to all parts, making the search more efficient.


It would definetly help!


Thanks for your feedback,


1 Reply 1

You can't set a minimum number of people at any time.  Pricing is based on the listing location and you charge additional fees for extra people.  What you CAN do is set up seasonal pricing so that you get more money during the high season so that you are achieving the income you want by getting 4 people at the base plus the extra person fees.  So if you only want to get more that $50us during High season, you need to raise your base listing price.