Very Touchy Subject for a Host

Level 2
Toronto, Canada

Very Touchy Subject for a Host

I have a very attractive female guest and she invited 2 extra male guests from Quebec. She is currently at me residence booking and already violated the partying/events clause/rule through my father checking up on the place as he noticed an extra 4 males were also there in the backyard (now a total of 7) - when the listing is a maximum of 4 guests. I feel like I should confront this guest as I feel lied to and cheated. But worst of all I believe a porno might be being made given the odd amount of men - women ratio at my property and wondering what course of action I should take? Any help will be appreciated? I plan to take photos of all vehicles as they parked 2 cars, 1 illegally behind the rear of the house that belongs to another property and heavily suspicious and possibly will wait it out until they all leave on Wednesday morning to see the possible damage. In addition, I have a guest from Switzerland arriving right after with her family and want to make it a pleasant place, but feel like I am in a tricky situation. I even tried staking out my own place after my father said it looks like a party...and want to avoid future guests like this. Thanks.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Santa Rosa, CA

Ummm... outside of the partying (against house rules) you jump to " I believe a porno might be being made given the odd amount of men - women ratio at my property"? I wouldn't jump to that decision and it's an accusation that will immeidately make AirBnB less than happy to help - because you are showing yourself highly suseptible to jumping to conclusions. I would avoid words like "Staking out" etc.

Just call AirBnB, tell them the BASICS... "broke house rules" "had party" "guests OTHER than registered guests on the property" I am no longer comfortable renting to these people. Can you (AirBnB) cancel this reservation so I as host am not "dinged" for it - or find them alternative accomodations?

I am still allowed to enter the basement of my property, while they are there so I can check up on my own place however I see fit and I said that I believe they 'might', which is not difinitive proof of them filming a porno as it would all be done inside and I know its speculative. I will remain neutral and said I might wait it all out to figure things out. But I am asking all of you doesn't partying count for one thing and an 'event' count for another, which may include filming graphic content. I live in Toronto where a lot of filming is done and had another guest ask ahead if he could film in my house as a single guest, but lied about how much crew/actors/etc. was going to be there and denied him and in this case I would deny my current guests as they don't need to tell you if they will or will not film and will do so when you are absecent.

Level 9
San Mateo, CA

@Dexter4, I agree with Jann's feedback. The more neutral you can remain in Airbnb's eyes and show goodwill, the more likely they will see things the way they are and help you in the process.


Good luck!



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