Wasteful guest

Wasteful guest

I've had a guest for a week now. He is in the bathroom with running hot water for 2 hours twice a day. When he cooks in the kitchen he takes 30min alone to washes his pot and plate separtely before and after cooking. He goes to the toilet so many times a day and washes his hands for a good 10min. 
I am going to have a crazy gas bill and he is staying for another month as well. I think he has OCD which is why he needs to wash all the time, I can't explain it otherwise. I've had a lot of guests but never like this. 

Other than that he is a friendly guest so I don't really know what to do...?


4 Replies 4
Level 3
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hi, @Anonymous, that's a really unpleasant situation! Since he's friendly maybe there's a way you can talk to him in a delicate manner about this and then he can stop using so much water... Maybe trying to focus on the bill and on the environmental issues too! But I'm not really experienced with that kind of situation, maybe a more experienced host can help you here with tips on how to react on the better possible way. In my case, I list an entire apartment instead of a room, and there's this con (and kind of pro, at the same time) in which you have no idea if the guests are using water/electricity in a responsible way or not, and then I just hope for not receiving a crazy light bill. :(( In my city the light bill is always really really high and since it's an eternal summer here, I can just hope most of the guests won't leave the AC on all day!

Good luck (and sorry about my english), hope talking with him will work just fine!

Level 10
Champlain, Canada

Does the hot water ever run out? If it does, you could always start a conversation by saying that you're not getting enough hot water for your own use. Also, if he has OCD, maybe leaving out disinfecting wipes might help? Or maybe suggest he get some if he finds your place less than 100% clean? (I'm sure it is clean, but you could phrase things to indicate you're concerned about what he's thinking along those lines.)

Level 2
Montevideo, Uruguay

Try to be direct with him, tell him youre trying to save energy and water, though I understand its not an easy situation...good luck.

We're pedantic in Australia about waste. Our environment is harsh, we experienced severe drought not so long ago so restrictions were set in place and the price of water and power skyrocketed.

Many guests from other countries have NO IDEA how to save resources. I have a doctor staying with me at the moment who leaves all the lights on.  And spends a long time under the shower.

I simply told her we're very aware of the environment in Australia and could she please turn lights off, take shorter showers etc.

I have also put signs up near the taps = turn taps off while brushing teeth, turn tap off to soap your dishes, then rinse them.

That kind of thing.