We have to cancel a group booking as the apartment owners have now banned all airbnb guests

Level 1
Liverpool, United Kingdom

We have to cancel a group booking as the apartment owners have now banned all airbnb guests

There are a total of 17 bookings who this will affect and we want to know the best way of dealing with it.  We've messaged airbnb and had no reply.  We have an official letter from the apartment and need to avoid the full cancellation fines if we can.  Can anyone help?


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

@Jenny199  You'll need to Contact Airbnb to get them to cancel all your reservations.  You can see if they can work with you on the cancellation fees, but chances are they will stick to their policy since this situation wouldn't fall under an Extenuating Circumstance.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Jenny199


Had a quick look at your profile and see that you and your sister manage a number of properties in Liverpool.


I am not quite sure what you mean by 'the apartment owners have now banned all airbnb guests'


Do you mean you have been sub letting them  out, or that you were letting these apartments out on behalf of the owners who have now decided not to do this any more?


Airbnb expects airbnb management companies like yourselves or leasehold owners to ensure you have any necessary permissions to let out the properties your are responsible for listing. This includes checking with management companies for apartment block to ensure they are happy for you to do short term lettings.


If the management company or owners had given you written permission and then withdrawn it I think Airbnb would be more flexible.


Why not call Airbnb and let them know so they can help your guests find alternative accommodations. Then if you need to pay some or all of the cancellation charges, you can take it out of the profits you have made to date.


Good luck