Thanks for posting this Justin. We have to scroll through reviews to get the gist of someone to see if they are bad guests.
We we recently had two girls stay with us who were a pair of advantage-takers. We are experiencing a severe drought in California (we post this in our description and hang signs to take 5 minute showers) and these two take 45 minute showers. The next morning they proceeded to fill up their flasks with orange juice we serve for breakfast. When I walked in to the kitchen they looked like two caught possums. so we gave them low marks and the "thumbs down" to warn future hosts, but since this not visible, these two will continue to grift at every home they stay at.
we have no recourse, nor way to filter these types, except for scrolling through reviews to get the gist of someone's behavior.
Airbnb favors the guest. For example we had a bad person stay with us. We went over and beyond to accomodate them (waiting up till 12AM for their arrival, obliging their request for squeezed OJ and to sleep in past the check out time) and they had the temerity to mark us down for value. We called the out in the response section to their review, but she complained to Airbnb and they pulled the response.! So how is anyone going to know she is a malcontent and bad reviewer?