I am a Straight white christian middle aged man who is absolutley hated right now along with arabs. In the winter I rent the flat at very low rates to young Marxist anti semetic types who on first meeting dont even hide their disgust of me. I rent at low rates hoping to do a good deed and help my ratings but these MArxists are creating problems as they always give me low cleanliness rates. I have a problem with the rating systemas it has no accountability and of course cleanliness is the one area you can destroy someone.
Its sad because Im not into politics but these people usually angry bitter women are not very nice and very rude and I always give them good ratings because being a christian Im forgiving and understanding of their behaviour. But I see two choices right now is to ban these types or get Airbnb to set up a system where by maybe people have to upload fotos of dirtyness. In other words make them accountable for there claims as Airbnb will have no business and the sharing economy will collapse which the normal economy is collapsing again down to marxists.