concern regarding a guest I hosted last night

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

concern regarding a guest I hosted last night

Yesterday a woman contacted me and said her booking had fallen through at the last minute and could I host her that night. I read the 4 reviews on her (all positive) and agreed.

As soon as she arrived, I felt I didn't trust her. She immediately asked if she could stay another night but I said no. In the evening, when I showed her the beigels I had bought her for breakfast, she practically snatched them out of my hand and started eating them, saying she hadn't eaten all day. She talked non - stop, telling me endless confusing stories about her housing situation.

I told her she needed to leave by 4 the following day. When I came home at 3.45, she was still here and asked again if she could stay. I said no. She started telling me a long winded story about someone who owed her money and was going to pay her this week but that she was £10 short for tonight.

I very firmly asked her to leave and she finally did.

I believe this woman is a) homeless and b) has mental health issues. I am hugely sympathetic to these issues but not as an airbnb host.

I am not sure what to do as I feel she is a risk to airbnb hosts but am not sure what I can say in a review of her. Would appreciate advice on this

9 Replies 9
Level 5
Gourhel, France

If she booked through Airbnb they would have taken her payment at the time of booking. You do not receive money directly from her,but from Airbnb after she has checked in. When you get the reminder from Airbnb to review her you do not need to do anything, or you can give a very brief review then flag the profile and explain in a note to Airbnb why you did this.

Level 10
Delft, Netherlands

@Yvonne57, an unfortunate situation, for both of you, and certainly a sad one for her. 


I'd suggest you report the guest (click on the flag icon near her profile) and contact AirBnB to ask their advice. 

Go to the 'search for anything' box on the top right-hand side of this page and type in 'How to contact AirBnB'.

A list of numbers will show up.

Or go to Google and type in 'AirBnB contact number in the UK'.


Inform them of what happened, and of your concerns regarding the woman's situation and possible mental health. 




Level 1
New York, NY

Sounds stresssful! You did the right thing. I would 1. call AB&B and voice your concerns, 2. leave  a factual but precise review of her as a guest that included these issues in a tactful way. 3. in the private feedback section of the review,mention you felt she was " off'  and mentally ill. Although to be fair, if you ll  someone they have to be gone by 4 pm,  3: 45 stil leaves them 15 mins. 

Level 1
New York, NY

Sounds stresssful! You did the right thing. I would 1. call AB&B and voice your concerns, 2. leave  a factual but precise review of her as a guest that included these issues in a tactful way. 3. in the private feedback section of the review,mention you felt she was " off'  and mentally ill. Although to be fair, if you tell  someone they have to be gone by 4 pm,  3: 45 stil leaves them 15 mins. 

Level 1
Rosses Point, Ireland

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience and glad it doesn't seem to have made you angry and judgemental. As you said, we can be hugely sympathetic to people who may have mental health issues but we also have a responsibilty towards other AirBnB hosts. I think you have to just tell the truth in your review like you have done here - that fron the point of view of a host this woman was unable to be a good guest. If she were to go from host to host acting this way I imagine it would ultimately not turn out well for her as well as them. There's always the chance that she might come across a host who isn't as understanding and caring as you and they might get angry and that could cause all sorts of problems for them and for her. So I feel you just have to warn other hosts in your review and hope that this woman gets the help she needs, but that's unlikely to be through the AirBnB community.

I had almost the exact situation happen to me.  The guest instant booked last minute, at 1130 at night.  She said her last booking fell through.  When she checked in she had her clothing in trash bags. It was her and anther young female, and they had a drunk man in the back seat.  She spent the next three days at my place constanly doing laundry and leaving late at night.  When she checked out all of my towels were stained and the house smelled like smoke/marijuana. She returned three times while our cleaning staff were cleaning asking for different belongings that she thought she left at the house.  She also said she had hidden $200 behind a picture in the room and it was now missing. 


The same weekend, same time, I had two other guests check in.  They smoked and partied at my apts all night and brought prostitutes.  They also stole some decorative items.  It was a nightmare.


I have since changed my instant book requirements, and not allowed instant book after 10PM.  I think normal people dont book hotels at 1130.

@Five-Star-Rentals-------0, if you as a traveller haven't sorted your accommodation before 10pm, it is a strange thing indeed. I would say that is very late and would set the time even earlier. I have 7pm, and I have been thinking of making it earlier, 5pm maybe.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Where was she from? Many hosts are suspicious of guests who live in the same place as where they are wanting to book. Live in London? Why book London? etc. There are many people like your guest, and to avoid repeating the experience be very cautious in last minute bookings from the same city, and ask questions of any last minute bookings. She had 4 good reviews, hmm. Either they were not entirely truthful, or she is up and down.

If we are all going to be on IB by the end of this year, how will we weed guests? Maybe no last minute bookings? Shooting ourselves in the foot, but what other way around it?

This experience is not common, and I have had others instant book late at night with no problems.  Bad guests can come at any time. I actually had a nice family of four check in last night at 930pm. They are from the same city, but are remodelling their house and needed a temporary place to stay.