Hi @Judy417.
The review system is challenging all hosts to try harder and offer that something special! The cumbersome process is putting a percentage of guests off writing them. Another percentage just don’t care enough... although nothing is foolproof.... You need to make them care. So to this point, I agree with @Robin4.
Do you know who you want your homsestay to appeal to?
Are you looking for young adults? Travelling families with adult children, young families? Business trips etc. Consider these things and gradually aim to offer what they may need if staying away from home.
It’s also worth thinking - who is most likely to want to stay in your space, then look at marketing it to boost the listings.
You have the basis for a nice stay, but consider a few items that will add some extra interest.
The little touches such as plants, flowers, bric a brac items, posters, colourful cushions, books, wall art - all help to make the space more personal. It gives the space a personality to stand out from other listings. They never have to be expensive, but they do need to show you care. Shabby chic doesn’t mean shabby.
You may already have these things, but they are “not visible” with your photos. I can’t see items or appliances visible in the kitchen, that make it appear more user friendly. This could worry guests prior to booking as well as during their stay, hence no reviews.
As a host you obviously left a positive mark on the guest who left a review. Congratulations and well done! Think about what worked for the guest and youself in that interaction.
My personal and subjective opinion is your chosen photos for your listing, reflect a boarding house or a partly furnished long term rental. You have the basics, but the images are “not showing” the homely touches - the comfort zone/ the personality of the place.
Consider taking a walk around and see it as a guest might. They want it to feel homely, but without clutter. They usually want comfort and a sense of relaxation. They want to be able to walk in, relax and feel comfortable both physically and emotionally.they don’t want to feel “in transit” or overwhelmed. If you achieve this, you are more likely to receive positive reviews, but like for all of us...there are no guarantees.
I look forward to your continued presence and hosting in the short term rental platform and right here, in the community centre forum. Keep up the contact, there are some fantastic and very experienced hosts here that can give you better advise than me!
All the best @Judy417!