Whether you would be able to accommodate children as extra guests beyond your max. guest # would of course depend on your amenities to sleep them.
Another aspect is what your local regulations are.
Here in Amsterdam for ex. the City Hall is cracking down more and not looking away as much as they did in the past with enforcing existing rental regulations. The max. # of guests is four, down to the last itsy bitsy tiny baby. This in connection with Fire Dept. rescue operation intel.
That means a family of five would not be legal. Yes, (too) many hosts here are unawares. Yes, they advertise up to far more guests than allowed. Yes, bookings are made in excess of four. Yes, there have been inspection controls and guests incl. kids and babies evicted.
And yes, fines have been made to unsuspectings hosts of 13 thousand euros upwards.
Sorry if I went slightly off-topic!