
Level 2
Vienna, Austria


Hey i would like to know, if other cities have also this „problem“. For me it’s not a problem, for me it’s normal in Vienna. Our last guests sent me a private message after check out, that the shower was uncomfortable because sometimes it was very hot, then it was suddenly cold etc. Yes this is when you use simultaneously the water in the kitchen. So for me in Vienna it’s normal, when I take a shower that nobody else should take water from the kitchen. Should I mention this in a note?! I didn’t know that some people do not know that. For me that is a common sense. Don’t want to get bad reviews because of this. 

4 Replies 4

Some older homes & buildings have this problem in Australia. It might be worth letting guests know in the house manual or a little note in the bathroom that this can occur, as not everyone could be expected to know this. On the other hand, it could also be a great way to get guests out of the shower when they've been in there too long - just leave the tap running in the kitchen 😉


I'm in a new apartment building, but we have rainwater tanks for the toilets. Sometimes the water in the toilet can be discoloured, so I have a handwritten note above the toilet to let guests know this so they don't freak out! And I also have a reminder for the ladies and some paper bags in bathroom cabinet so they don't flush sanitary items down the toilet and clog it...

Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi @Lia91 🙂

I live in an old building too but don't have issues like you mention. Also I assume that if you live in modern buildings it is not a problem. So I guess it is common sense for you but for someone who has never experienced it it is not common sense. I have a very small classic Copenhagen bathroom. It is really, really small but completely normal in Copenhagen. I mention it with words and pictures. I don't want people to be surprised when they arrive. People don't downrate me or mention it anymore but they did before I explained that it is normal in Copenhagen. So definitely mention it and explain when you show your guests around 🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Lia91 do mention to guests, it'll ensure they have the best experience!

My place is the same- it's because of my boiler in my situation, so if I open a tap in the kitchen ans the shower is running, the water either stops flowing so well in the shower and the shower cools right down.

Since my guests don't have kitchen access it isn't an issue- but I make sure not to use the kitchen sink if I know guests are in the bathroom :))

Level 2
Connecticut, United States

Yes, by all means mention this and any other quirks about your apartment in a note or apartment manual.  In Bahamas, we lose power often for NO REASON.  I have to warn guests that this "might" happen so they are prepared.