@Greg1285 THE ANSWER TO QUESTION A IS NO! (I think you WILL become a superhost!)
Ah! Is it the "accepted reservations" not meeting the 88% target that is giving you the "1 listing needs your attention" flash? Cos on a listing with 3 inquiries you accepted 2 & declined 1? I see!
On the list of our superhost criteria, this stat does not even feature - just Overall rating must be 4.8, Cancellation rate must be <1.00, response rate must be 90% & stays hosted must be 10+, or 3 long ones.
So, if the superhost tab says you're on target, you're OK! (unless your stats are very bad between now & 1 Jan!)
But IF the "accepted reservations" WERE taken into account, then like you say & I said above, the other listing would compensate, so long as your 2 listings added together meet the required targets when averaged out. - A score based on good stats over 50 stays in one listing will not be negated by bad stats in a listing with only 3 stays. Your calculation of the weighted average being 98% is the correct logic.
Even if your "bad stats" listing were going to tip the 50+ good stats one under the mark, I doubt deleting it would help... I may be wrong, but it would probably be in the system & the damage done....
But think 98%!!
This is driving me nuts! My brain hurts! And the tedium factor... Role on 14 Jan when you'll know for sure if you've made it! 🙂