18-year old couple arguing

Level 2
Crosby, TX

18-year old couple arguing

I have a young couple, 18-years old, who checked in 5 days ago who have been polite, but messy, since checking in. This morning I could hear them arguing at the top of their lungs (mostly him), but I felt so uncomfortable.  They were slamming doors and using extremely foul language. It went on for a good long while.  They stopped for a few minutes and I felt so relieved but it was short-lived as they started yelling again for another good long while. They are getting along now, but for a while I was extremely uncomfortable.  They have 2 more nights before checking out.  I have been advised to ask them to leave, but feel uncomfortable asking them to leave.  I'm not sure how I want to handle this situation, as it could be volatile. #arguing #fightingcouple #foullanguage

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Lisa-Marie21 I would write on Airbnb messaging, "Dear guest, just a note to let you know that voices carry in our home and we want to keep it quiet and peaceful for everyone's comfort. If you need to have another loud argument, please take it elsewhere.  Thank you very much; we appreciate your understanding."


I would expect that to do it; if not I would terminate their stay.

Right. Are they staying in your house. Ask them to be polite or unfortunately you'll have to ask them to leave. Might do a short recording on your cell phone for proof. But mostly, there are a lot of people who choose Airbnb because it's a cheaper alternative to a hotel. I raised my prices, got better guests. (sad to say it comes to that.)

@Christine615 I don't think it's legal to record people without their permission, is it?

Depends on the state. In Missouri it's only one party consent. I've found that handy recording bad customer service interactions (Like when I called AT&T to fix my land line and the foreign call service person kept reminding me not to text and drive. Or when Delta promised me compensation for a cancelled flight then claimed they didn't."

But it may also be the case that she isn't one of the "parties" so she can't even in Texas. The problem is, the conversation is going on in her home and the people are loud so there is not expectation of privacy. I would check with Texas law in this instance.

Even if she can't - she should ask the guests to be respectful or ask them to leave for violating house rules.


@Christine615 @Lisa723 

I think one way around it is..... @Lisa-Marie21  can record herself while on the phone with a friend or family member with the noise of the guests fighting in the background.  There are also decibel meter apps for phones. If the guest is really loud, use the app to measure and send a message/screen shot to the guest that the sound of your fighting is THIS loud and it absolutely has to stop now. 

Level 2
Crosby, TX

Thank you so very much to everyone who commented. This couple was so young and just trying to find their way. The young lady had a beautiful sweet spirit about her, and the young man was a sweetheart as well. They also had a 17 year old friend who stayed here with them who was extremely intelligent and kind.

I spoke with the couple that same evening. I asked if everything was OK and then I told them I was uncomfortable with that in my home. I spoke to them in a way that made them comfortable to talk to me. They both apologized profusely and stayed to  talk with me for a long while after. I adore this couple I wanted to keep them for my very own. They are just so very young and in need of some guidance, someone to love them through those painful growing experiences. I saw them off today and was honestly so sad to see them leave. 
Thank you again for your feedback, I took what you said and used it in my talk with them.

@Lisa723 @Christine615 @Jessica-and-Henry0 




Thanks for the update. So glad to hear it! You sound like an awesome host.

@Christine615 what a sweet thing to read. Thank you so much. I appreciate your spirit of wanting to help people. 💕