I’m probably very late to the party here as i have only just heard about the 25% refund scheme, however how can this possibly work with most hosts. ALL of my booking post March 14th, April and May have been cancelled due to covid-19. Of course they have, guests rightly need to plan ahead. My diary is now empty but it seems i won’t receive a penny of the refund as my cancellation policy states i am only refunded if the cancellation is within 5 days
this is ludicrous (if true)... i’m in central London, all of my guests are international travellers and tourists, so of course in these horrific circumstances they are going to cancel well in advance as they will have flights etc that will also need to be dealt with
surely the solution is very simple, the 25% refund should apply to all covid-19 cancellations that aren’t re-booked?
i sincerely hope this is an oversight by airbnb and not a cynical trick to severely limit the refunds they are going to make