@Yen680 "bad vibes' means nothing . If you mean you have become uncomfortable then I understand . Its important that you have ID from both Airbnb and of your own accord.It is probably a good idea for new hosts to avoid month long stays initially . A 'referral ' from a 'super guest ' is not a thing. Do not allow post to come to your home . Ask the guest to have the delivery to the local post office in future.This would require ID of course.I think Airbnb should make month long stays a separate category with extra 'guest ' requirements as often 'new hosts ' are targeted and find themselves out of their depth , having basically lost control of their homes with little understanding why or how to remedy or prevent it. This is sometimes benign and sometimes not. do you know the date of the lease that your guest has signed . If she does not cancel then she may be intending to stay until the end of the lease with you and may see no reason to let you know. I suggest you send another message via the app or speak to the guest directly via mobile using the phone number provided to say ' I may have misunderstood our previous conversation and wishing to have a chat with you . Please return this call as soon as possible.It is important to communicate , communicate communicate with your guests, most importantly before they arrive and before they suddenly up and leave during a stay . Please double up on the message app with all messages. do you have a co host to assist you . i do reccomend it as sometimes one person can take over a situation with dealing with a guest and achieve a better result and understanding.I think you really do need to improve your security as per ID and early questions to your guests and your house rules as regards ID .i am not sure the issue about the guest walking backwards. ? H