
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

4-star overall reviews but 5-star in every category - when will this be fixed?

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

4-star overall reviews but 5-star in every category - when will this be fixed?

This summer, I've gotten two reviews that have given me 5 stars in every category, but 4 stars overall. The most recent really annoyed me: it was from a new Airbnb member, who also put NA in their public review but wrote me a nice private review. I spent time on the phone with this guest before she arrived, talking her through how to fix her account because she didn't have her correct address or credit card number on file, and she called me for help, and I did. I sent her extra tutorials on how to set up her account properly.  I let her check in early. She had the same experience as many other guests do who give me 5 stars, and she gave me 4 - even though everything was apparently perfect, according to her words and individual ratings. I did respond publically, just saying thanks for the nice private review and that I was glad they had a nice time. 


It REALLY annoys me that Airbnb said they were going to do something about these outlier reviews a year ago in one of their host updates.


Why do they even bother making promises to us if there is no intention to follow through?


Just letting off steam, but I am really annoyed, both at Airbnb and this guest. 


What do you do when you get these reviews? Do you ask the guest where you went wrong, or just let it lie?


Top Answer

@Alexandra316  I just found the link about the changed made by Airbnb.


Below is quoted from that post.


One-off review alerts

We’ve added a step to the review process for guests when they give a host an inconsistent overall rating. For instance, the guest may have given 4-star or higher ratings for all the categories (cleanliness, accuracy, etc.), but then give an overall rating of less than 3 stars.


The new pop up screen asks guests: “Is this right?” And goes on to explain that they rated their overall stay lower than they rated it in specific categories. It gives guests an option to either change the rating or ignore the alert.

View Top Answer in original post

63 Replies 63
Level 2
Cambridge, MA

I'm confused by this: "Previously that would be invisible because it only showed 5 stars overall, but now, they can see our exact numbers. "  When I look at a listing I don't see numbers.  I see stars (and on yours it looks like both properties have a solid 5 stars -- if there's any fraction missing I can't see that).  Is there a place where as a guest I would be able to see a more precise 4.9 or whatever?

@David4226  It appeared for a very short period of time back a couple of weeks ago. The number is behind the stars with a two decimal precision. Now the exact number of star ratings does not show anymore. I guess that it might be an experiment done by Airbnb just like some other things they did.


It seems that Airbnb is lack of a formal process regarding to their software releases. I don't know if a guest cares about a number difference between 4.85 and 4.96. 

@Alice595Nope, it's still there: see below. I just took this screenshot. 

I don't think guests really care till it gets below 3. 🤷🏻‍♂️

@David4226There is, unfortunately. When guests do a search, they can now see the star ratings of the host. 


@Alexandra316 and @David4226  Here is what is shown on my search. It seems that Airbnb still does some kind of testing for different regions. I saw the star number in California before. Now it is not there.AirbnbSearch.png

@Alice595Interesting... rollouts do seem to happen kind of randomly. 

@Alexandra316  I tried to search Hamilton, ON, Canada where you listing is located. I got the same as my search in California. There are no number ratings.


It seems that it depends where the guests are located. They may be routed to different computer servers, which may run different versions.


Here is the screenshot for you location from my search. At least your listings are still good for guests coming from the states:-)


@Alice595Not sure if it makes a difference, but I'm actually in Vineland/Lincoln rather than Hamilton. Hamilton is a city about 40 minutes away: I'm out in wine country. But you could be right: maybe it's the searcher location rather than searchee!

@Alexandra316 's screen shot is where you see the percentage. It only appears in the search results; not on the individual listing page.



@David4226 @Alexandra316 @Alice595 


What it appears they are doing is A/B testing to study guest behavior during searches.


I check my local listings frequently and sometimes they display "whole" stars and other times they display the fractional stars. I'll do the exact same search, at different times, and each version comes up about 50/50.


Same thing with the way the main search page is displayed, there are two different versions I get. I've found the same thing when I search other areas.

Level 2
Cambridge, MA

Ah, I see, thanks.  I was looking on the individual listings page, where it does not show up. 


My guess is that most guests won't differentiate between a 4.85 and a 4.96, but of course I haven't done a study.  Someone should.

@David4226  I hope it won't. I'm still not doing badly, by any means, but the competition in my area is pretty stiff. 

Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Alexandra316, doesn't it always seem to be the ones we bend over backwards for that leave us the worst reviews? This has definitely been my experience. It just makes me want to not be a helpful and caring person...

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


What you describe here, this is the side of the stay experience that Airbnb do not see Kath.

All they see is this artificial bubble they have created which in reality bears absolutely no resemblance to the effort that might have gone into achieving what one side or the other will perceive as a mediocre experience.

You, I, Sarah, Mike, Alexandra, Alice, David.....we all perceive things differently, just the same as our guests do, but Airbnb do not see or understand that. They work on the principal that each guest review will be a reference point for future guests, in much the same way as a lawyer exploits 'legal precedent' to a judge as a persuasive argument!


I have been asked to rate the Airbnb booking procedure and compare it with other reservation platforms, and I would put it (when compared with 4 other platforms) to be just in the middle! There are two better and there are two worse. I consider the Booking.Com site to be the best in terms of ease of use and options offered without having to scroll though page after page!

Here is Booking.Com format.

This the general search page. Note the number of little bits of information that are included which makes it easy for the guest to make a decision to either proceed to the listing or move on!

Booking .Com.png

There are over 500 search filters there to narrow a property search and the individual banner gives a lot of information.

If you want to proceed to the individual listing, this is the wealth of information you will have without having to hit the mouse! 2.png


I don't want to go to Booking.Com but, I want Airbnb to be as good as it is possible to be and I am trying my best to achieve that!


@Alexandra316  @Sarah977  @Alice595  @David5116 

