50% refund to guest for "slow wifi" - Hosts be warned!

Level 5
Beacon, NY

50% refund to guest for "slow wifi" - Hosts be warned!

After 6+ years I had my first refund experience in late-April during Covid-19.


The internet was "slow" but I have proof it was used throughout their stay. I attempted to get my ISP to resolve the issue, but they were not answering calls or live chat - due to Covid-19 of course. At the end of the booking, Airbnb reduced my payout by 50%!!!! How in the world is slow Wifi worth a 50% refund on a booking?!?!


I am a Superhost hosting for over 6 years. I have fought our city council on 2 occasions over the years, building local coalitions of hosts, to prevent short-term rentals from being outlawed here. But at this point, I have zero loyalty to Airbnb. I'll make money from my existing booking and investigate re-platforming to another service. I cannot risk the financial impact of another arbitrary refund, or worse.


As has been pointed out elsewhere, if you stay at a Marriott and complain of slow internet would you expect to see a cash refund? The policy is poorly thought out, and executed in an arbitrary and capricious manner.

To put it another way, what is my motivation to allow a guest to continue staying during a booking if they raise a complaint? With the threat of losing 50% of my income if Airbnb decides to cut my payout later, I'm in a better place to simply cancel the booking than risk losing 1/2 of my rate.


Airbnb chose not to resolve my issue in chat for over 6 weeks, and a call today resulted in a scolding on how the 'rules' worked. This company is hot garbage.

Top Answer
Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom


Airbnb has decided to close this case and deny a refund for their punitive policy.


Does this mean they upheld the guests claim? I'm unsure, but to give a 50% refund for one amenity being judged as inadequate is just an abuse of position.


The only way to stop any abuse such as this is to confront it. The changes to the EC and T&C's are an abuse too and in comparison to a 50% refund because of a Wi-Fi issue, the Wi-Fi is a tiny abuse compared to the total loss of EC cancellations. IMO, if you let the EC cancellations pass unaddressed you can expect this type of petty abuse towards hosts to continue forever.


@Tom2678 Then you have some PROOF to fight AirBnB with. 

I do agree. A completely different set of 'rules' are required for Airbnb and those rules are not designed with the guests in mind but as 'PROOF' for Airbnb when they try on one of their tricks. The necessity of this I would question in its entirety as this 'preventing abuse' thing has been going on far too long.

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45 Replies 45
Level 2
New Berlin, WI

I had slow wifi issues and difficulty when trying to add more wifi enabled products like ring and door locks. I contacted this company and they boosted my wifi and protect my systems. 

