ADA notifications received

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

ADA notifications received

I’ve been hosting in london for several years and this month is the first time I’ve seen ADA notifications come through on WhatsApp. I just received one when a new booking sent a request. 

 I’m also curious as to where they come from! I assumed they came from Airbnb’s system as they are linked to bookings…but that’s just a guess. I’m having a Google at the moment  

Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Atty441 @Liz7160 @Biodun3 @Peter-and-Laura1 @Thomas4182 @Elwyn13 @Shelley159 @Joelle43 , thank you so much for sharing your concerns in the community. We looked around for more information and wanted to share that Airbnb currently does not support direct communication through WhatsApp for reservation requests.


We advise our community not to engage with these messages, click on any links, or respond, and to report suspicious links to WhatsApp. Airbnb has limited capacity to take enforcement actions on these communications occurring off-platform.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

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16 Replies 16
Level 2
Heemstede, Netherlands

I've been hosting for 12 years.  I received a WhatsApp message from ADA Notifications today that mirrored an actual booking request. Never heard of them. Either ADA Notifications hacked my Airbnb account or they hacked Airbnb or it is legitimate. The last is unlikely so I blocked and reported ADA Notifications on WhatsApp.

Heute habe ich hier in Deutschland bei der Airbnb Anmeldung  ebenfalls einen Verifizierungscode per Whatsapp von ADA OTP  mit Ländervorwahl 0065 erhalten. Unmittelbar nach meiner Ablehnung einer Anfrage einer jungen Frau aus China für einen längeren Zeitraum als einziger Gast, die völlig neu auf Airbnb ist und Videos von der gesamten 4 Zimmerwohnung verlangte, stimmt mich das bedenklich. Vor allem auch vor dem Hintergrund, dass mir Airbnb nach jeder Anmeldung eine E-Mail schickt mit dem Inhalt: 

"Wir haben festgestellt, dass sich jemand von einem neuen Gerät in dein Airbnb-Konto eingeloggt hat."

Ich verwende jedoch bei der Anmeldung immer dasselbe Smartphone. 


[Google translation added by Community Manager]


Today, when I registered with Airbnb here in Germany, I also received a verification code via WhatsApp from ADA OTP with the country code 0065. Immediately after I rejected a request from a young woman from China to be the only guest for an extended period, who was completely new to Airbnb and requested videos of the entire four-room apartment, this is concerning. Especially considering that Airbnb sends me an email after every registration with the following content: 

" We detected that someone logged into your Airbnb account from a new device."

However, I always use the same smartphone to log in.