Airbnb Failure to Remove Retaliatory Reviews

Level 5
Phoenix, AZ

Airbnb Failure to Remove Retaliatory Reviews

Airbnb recently denied my request to remove a biased, retaliatory review after a guest, even by her own admissions, caused significant damage to my property. This is my situation and analysis regarding Airbnb's procedure for disputing retaliatory reviews and the Review Policy, which contradicts how Airbnb exercised its own dispute procedures.


Relevant Facts. Guest's reservation was for 2 adults and 2 children. During Guest's stay, through Airbnb's message portal, Guest expressly states, "[W]e are LOVING our stay and would love to book this unit for the following month if possible and if it's not too late" and "[T]his place is a hidden gem. I'm gonna to leave the most excellent review regarding our stay." Upon checkout, Guest refused to vacate property and I had to block off the next day since there was no time to clean and prepare it for potential next guests. I also discovered 2 additional unauthorized guests who stayed for the duration of the reservation (minors) when I repeatedly knocked at the door and respectfully requested that they vacate in accordance to house rules. Once Guest vacated, I discovered significant property damage and missing property, i.e., the worst busted pipes under kitchen sink and flooded kitchen, which ruined 3/4 of the baseboards of my custom cabinets and pulled up the sealant on the floor, several damaged walls from Guest hanging makeshift curtains (attempting to cover it with paint that doesn't match) or markers/crayons/pens/dirt, a pungent odor that I could not remove (which caused the next guest to cancel and I fully refunded), etc.


Thereafter, I submitted a claim / requested reimbursement from Guest and uploaded verifiable evidence in support thereof. Guest retaliated with a biased, false review. By Guest's own admission in the retaliatory review, Guest hung "a sheet with duct tape for privacy!" In the private message, Guest further states, "The duct tape on the wall is your fault for not having a curtain on the window & I STILL was gracious enough to purchase paint & go over the tape marks!" Guest's response to my public review of Guest states, "So we accidentally took [property] from [Host's] home, ACCIDENTALLY . . . mix ups happen." 


On the same day as the review, I submitted a dispute to remove the retaliatory review. In roughly three hours, without questions or requests for evidence, Airbnb summarily denied my dispute, without explanation, and only a template-style reference to the same policies that encouraged me to submit a dispute under the circumstances. 


Airbnb Review Policy & Analysis. Pursuant to “A Simpler Way to Dispute Retaliatory Reviews,” found in the New features & policies section in the Resource Center, “[Hosts] should feel comfortable hosting guests without worrying about the possibility of receiving a retaliatory review. You can dispute a retaliatory review . . . from guests who commit a serious violation of policies[.]” To be considered for removal, the Host must "demonstrate a serious policy violation and that [Host's] enforcement of a policy led to the retaliatory review." Serious violations of policies, according to Airbnb, include guests that (1) damage property, (2) overstay their reservation, and/or (3) violate house rules.


The above article refers Hosts to Airbnb's Review Policy for more information. According to the Review Policy, "Reviews must be unbiased, contain relevant information reflecting the actual experience of the reviewer during the stay or Experience, and follow our Content Policy." Under the requirement that reviews must be unbiased, Airbnb explains that "guests s...


Contrary to the ambiguous explanation for denial by Airbnb, the Guest’s retaliatory review unequivocally violates Airbnb’s Review Policy. Guest, by Guest's own admission, damaged my property. Guest overstayed their reservation, as verified in Guest's message indicating departure, which was over 2.5 hours past check out time. Guest violated my house rules by misrepresenting the number guests staying at the property, exceeding the max capacity by two people. The property is not equipped for that many people, which subjected it the damages eventually caused by Guest's violation. Guest committed "serious violations of policy," as specifically defined by Airbnb. I enforced Guest's liability for damages caused as a result of Guest's serious violations of policy, and in response, Guest wrote a biased, inauthentic review as a form of retaliation against me. Guest loved my property during Guest's stay, never mentioned a single issue throughout the entire stay, but was suddenly aggrieved by it once held accountable for serious policy violations. 


Conclusion. Airbnb failed to follow its own policy when it denied my dispute to remove Guest's retaliatory review. Pursuant to Airbnb's Review Policy, Guest's review is biased because it's a retaliation against me for enforcing policy and house rules. Airbnb continues to respond with ambiguous templates that appear to be automated. Failure to remove the review is damaging my reputation and turning potential guests away from my listing. For the reasons stated above, Airbnb should immediately remove Guest's retaliatory review. 

Top Answer
Level 5
Phoenix, AZ


After I posted here and submitted a claim on BBB San Francisco, I received an email stating that the review was removed (and confirmed on my profile). Although I’m happy with the resolution, I should not have had to spend hours just to get Airbnb to follow its own policies.These false, retaliatory reviews affect our reputation and income, so policies must be followed. If any other hosts go through what I did, I recommend commenting on this forum and also submit a claim with BBB SF - feel free to use my analysis to plug in with your facts. 

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32 Replies 32

Dear Raman89, who is bbb and how can they be contacted.

I am desperate also, as I got a retiliatory reveiw from guests and Airbnb customre service just closes the case and not helping to remove the biased review....

After a guest asked me to discount her stay (which was declined , she left a horrible review that my house was full of cockroaches (NOT true). After spending an entire day arguing with Airbnb, and providing our conversations

someone finally decided to help me

and remove the review . However , I was just notified that it didn’t “violate their standards “ and was just posted back on my reviews . 
We all know that a review claiming

cockroach infestation is a death sentence for a rental. I’m really upset that they took it down only

to put it back up 24 hours later . 

I mean, even 1 cockroach could be a 'lot' of cockroaches to someone who is not used to seeing cockroaches. She probably asked for a discount because she wanted to give you a chance. But yes, I would look into getting them exterminated for good. 


I would hire an extermination team if I was in your position. I would take this very seriously!


I mean, although you being situated in the mountains probably makes it harder than normal to get rid of cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes etc.


I remember I had a really bad time at an airbnb that was literally "FULL OF" mosquitos and I had a terrible time then 😞

Level 3
Queenstown, New Zealand

It is incredibly difficult to persuade AirBNB to apply its own policy on retaliatory reviews.


We had a 4.9 average from over 200 reviews at a time when a guest left on day 2 of a 9 day booking. After abruptly checking out, they sent a long list of supposedly untenable issues with the property.


On inspection we found not one single claim made by the guest to be true, and suspect they simply regretted their booking and decided to move somewhere more suitable, thinking they'd pocket a refund.


So we did not offer any refund as we should not be liable for a loss in these circumstances. The guest lodged a claim with AirBNB and AirBNB found in our favour after we supplied time stamped videos proving in fact that the appliances were all in working order.


Sure enough, then comes the retaliatory 1 star review spewing out all of the same untrue claims, and more - but after supporting us initially, this time AirBNB doesn't want to know about it.


It is totally bizarre how they treat hosts with such disdain.


I've now cancelled all future reservations and removed my listing.

Hola @Sara8246 


Queria consultarte como hiciste la reclamacion en BBB San Francisco?


He tenido una situacion similar, en la que una huesped despues de abrir el centro de resoluciones para reclamarle unos daños, me dejo una evaluacion de una estrella en un apartamento que tiene 3 años con una nota de 5, que acaba de ser integramente reformado, con un monton de falsedades inventandose toda la reseña para al final mencionar que la acuso de daños que no ha cometido, lo cual es ademas una injuria contra mi persona.


Airbnb a pesar de poder probar que la evaluacion es ficticia, parcial, a modo de represalia y vengativa dice que no incumple suficientes puntos de sus politicas.


Os prometo que no entiendo que gana airbnb protegiendo a los huespedes de esta manera.


Me acabo de gastar 40,000 euros en arreglar ese apartamento, esta perfecto, todas las reviews son de 5 estrellas, la propia airbnb lo ha cogido varias veces para sus publicidades en redes sociales de los apartamentos mejor valorados por los huespedes, y ahora permiten que nos humillen de esta forma con una evaluacion asi.


Lo peor es la sensacion de impotencia y de darte cuenta que airbnb no te cuida NADA, que da igual cuan bien hagas tu trabajo, que cuides los apartametos y que te gastes decenas de miles de euros en actualizarlos.


Una reclamacion a un huesped te pone en la situacion de tener que elegir entre ejercer tu derecho a que te reembolsen los daños, y recibir una evaluacion como represalia a cambio, o asumir que pierdes los daños para no recibir malas evaluaciones.


Es inadmisible y lo peor es que si lo hacen es porque los anfitriones se lo permitimos.


Google Translation added by Community Manager: 

Hello @Sara8246


I wanted to ask you how you made the claim at BBB San Francisco?


I have had a similar situation, in which a guest, after opening the resolution center to complain about damages, left me a one-star evaluation for an apartment that is 3 years old with a score of 5, which has just been completely renovated, with a lot of falsehoods, inventing the entire review to end up mentioning that I accuse her of damages that she has not committed, which is also an insult against me.


Airbnb, despite being able to prove that the evaluation is fictitious, biased, retaliatory and vindictive, says that it does not violate enough points of its policies.


I promise you that I don't understand what Airbnb gains by protecting guests in this way.


I just spent 40,000 euros to fix that apartment, it is perfect, all the reviews are 5 stars, Airbnb itself has taken it several times for its advertisements on social networks of the apartments best rated by guests, and now they allow us humiliate them in this way with an evaluation like that.


The worst thing is the feeling of helplessness and realizing that Airbnb doesn't take care of you AT ALL, that it doesn't matter how well you do your job, that you take care of the apartments and that you spend tens of thousands of euros updating them.


A claim against a guest puts you in the situation of having to choose between exercising your right to be reimbursed for damages, and receiving a retaliatory evaluation in return, or assuming that you lose the damages in order not to receive bad evaluations.


It is unacceptable and the worst thing is that if they do it it is because the hosts allow it.

I'm so sorry you're experiencing the same issue - it's incredibly frustrating. Be sure to submit your situation on your home page and not just here as a response (I'm not sure how to do that, but I think you click the black "Post" link at the top of the page). Regarding BBB, I filed a complaint using their platform:

Scroll down & click "File a Complaint" 

Be sure to reference Airbnb's specific guidelines, that Airbnb is refusing to recognize them & you're demanding compliance. Feel free to copy & paste any of my information in this thread. 

Hope this helps. 


Hi Sarah, I experienced the same situation as you did! One of the guests I hosted last year overstayed in my house after his check-out time without my permission. He wanted to take a free night from me following the check out time. I refused and only gave him a discount. At that time, I was a very new host with very little experience that I didn’t know how much he paid to Airbnb, I trusted him and asked him how much he paid to Airbnb. He lied to me and attempted to get a free night from me.  Even though I charged him at a very big discount, he was upset, left the room in a very dirty and messy state, and left a 1-star review for me in the last day when we could leave a review. As I was too new to Airbnb, I didn’t notice that until I passed the day to leave a review for him. 

I disputed with Airbnb many times, they all denied my request.  I am very upset too. The guest made many untruthful comments which was so unfair to me. 
I am very disappointed that Airbnb doesn’t remove that. 

I would continue to ask for this to be removed. This is not right.

Level 2
Williamsport, PA

hi Sara, this just happened  to me. Guest has a prior bar review but 2 good ones. He said his bad review  was untrue  and I made the mistake of giving him a chance when he wanted to rent. He had 6 kids a “service ” dog. I checked in and asked if everything was ok and if they needed anything bye said all great. I bought a clean n play for their use and a high chair since he has a young child. When we came into the house afterwards, the dog peed everywhere. On brand new curtains, on a front door rug that they removed  afterwards to hide. The pulled on my new couch. Blueberry stains everywhere. Scratched my front door large Glassdoor   This guy is a traveling doctor and books airbnbs often for his family to spend time with him   Therefore, he booked more dates on my calendar. Once I posted a negative review and put a claim for carpet cleaning and for my couch, he immediately canceled his bookings and gave me a 1 star for everything. Claimed my house had bed bugs and black mold. Said they were stung by wasps and had to go to the emergency room. But not one of these claims were mentioned anywhere before the review and open claim for damages. It was completely retaliatory. I sent pictures Etc. My house is immaculate. My first review shows that. I’m a new host and this has been a terrible experience. And this was on my second booking. They too give me canned responses and in the end say it wasn’t against their  policies or standards  and the review will remain. It’s created so much stress and is very slanderous and all lies. 

And sorry for all the typos, was typing from phone and not very user friendly interface 

I'm so sorry I didn't see this before - I don't get notifications when posted. More importantly, I'm SO sorry this happened to you. I've had several guests lie about not having a pet & even someone claiming a "service dog," that chewed up several baseboards. I'll never understand why people do the things they do. 

I'm interested to know whether your issue got resolved. Let me know. 

Airbnb is nothing more than a software. They have nothing tangible to claim . Hosts on the other hand own physical properties. Airbnb is only interested in placating the guests no matter what . The guests are always right. There are lot of crazy people out there, who would think nothing of destroying your property or making your life hell for the period they occupy your property. Believe me . I had to deal with some insane , stupid guests . That’s why I have decided to delete my account and the hell with Airbnb. My sanity is more important to me than a few bucks. Airbnb will never side with hosts because they think they got us by the balls with their stupid system of reviews and rewards . As if we were kids in kinder garden. Guests can destroy your stuff, hold parties til the wee hours, check out late and do a host of other things but you can’t dare to upset them because if you do the single star rating is awaiting you. How fair is this ? Please tell me. If you check into a hotel and don’t act responsible and follow the rules , they call the cops or haul your ass out. Nor reviews . No ratings

Level 2
South Bend, IN

Hi Sara, first of all I appreciate you speaking out about your situation. I thought I was alone on this. I’m a super host in Indiana and co-host of several listing in different states. I had a similar situation with this couple that wanted to claim squatters’ rights and a seven day credit/refund in the house. I called the police 3 times so they can get these people out of the house. The boyfriend was very aggressive towards the cleaning crew and I have it on video the guy repeating “I kill” “I kill”. I submitted all the evidence on Airbnb and denied my request with police evidence. I personally believe these people need to be banned from the app and reviews like that shouldn’t be affecting our listings. 

Oh wow - I'm just seeing this (and all the other responses)! I don't know why I'm not receiving notifications on these posts! I'm very happy to know that all the time I spent correcting the issue is being paid forward in some way or another. Your situation is way more egregious than mine. If Airbnb continues to allow them to stay in people's homes, I foresee a successful negligence claim against Airbnb, since they've been put on notice. If you haven't already submitted a general post about your issue on this platform & also submit a claim with BBB San Francisco, I'd do those 2 things first. Good luck 🙂 

I have the same thing going on with 2 reviews Airbnb refuses to remove that are direct retaliation. I am contacting BBB of San Francisco