Airbnb is not refunding my money after I cancelled 10 hours later

Level 1
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Airbnb is not refunding my money after I cancelled 10 hours later

I booked a condo in Bangkok Thailand not really knowing the area.  Host Wana would not give address until i paid.  I paid, looked up the location and street it was on and it looked horrible and scary to walk anywhere.  On top of that, I did not find any grocery stores nearby and the train and bus station was so far away.  I have an injury at the moment and cannot walk far. I came in a wheelchair.  After looking at all of this, I decided to cancel 10 hours later because of all of this.  Host Wana made it sound like she would refund me, after i kept asking for my refund.  She never told me i could not get my refund.  Wana basically scammed me and does not want to give me my money back, after I saw the area where she was on in Google maps when looking around. I am appalled that someone would steal my money $960.45.  This is fraud and unethical behavior.  I should not have to stay in an area that I don't feel safe and not suitable for me.  Anyone should be able to cancel something they don't feel comfortable with if they are afraid of where they are staying. I demand my money back. This is wrong and you know it. How would you feel if someone did this to you? I work hard for my money and I am on vacation trying to enjoy what little money I do have. Can you please resolve this for me and return my money as this is causing me a lot of stress. I don't feel like Airbnb is trying to protect its customers and now I will be reluctant to use Airbnb again. I also know its illegal to rent an airbnb in Thailand less than 30 days and is subject to prison time.

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Jeffrey806 so to confirm your situation:

1) On booking you were shown the cancellation policy and went ahead

2) On booking you formed a contract knowing the cancellation policy

3) On booking you believe that renting in Thailand is illegal bet went ahead anyway

4) On booking you knew of your health issues but didn't ask any pertinent questions to the host

5) Now you are scared by a streetscape that is presumably not what you are used to

6) You now want to break your contract and get your money back.


Does this encompass the situation?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you cancelled within 48 hours of booking and your booking is more than  two weeks away you will be entitled to a full refund @Jeffrey806 


If not the host’s cancellation policy will show you what refund you will be entitled to when you went to cancel.