I am reaching out because I have an old Airbnb account linke...
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I am reaching out because I have an old Airbnb account linked to my current phone number. Unfortunately, I no longer have acc...
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We have great neighbors at our ABB. There is the family that adjoins our property ("Hot Neighbor" and his wife and kid -- thanks to @Anonymous for that moniker, undeserved though it is) the law enforcement guy a few doors down and a family across the street. We aren't really close to the across the street folks but have had them over a few times. They have occasionally had friends and relatives book our place as they have a tiny little house and a large family.
They have some friends arriving who they have not seen in awhile and asked if they could set up an outdoor movie screen for them. I said sure, no problem. Today the guy messaged me and asked if they could bring over a portable hot tub. Uhhh....no. Too much liability and I don't want dead grass/a big swamp from the water when its broken down. He then starts to describe the relationship with the friends and how he really wants the hot tub.....the only thing in my head is the SNL skit with Will Farrell and Rachel Dratch...
We said no. And now he may not do the movie screen. So just do the math on what the plan was for the film to be watched. LOL. Some people need to keep this stuff at home but I guess there are a lot of kids to deal with....
@Kitty-and-Creek0 perhaps a very special kind of block party....!
I would be lying if I said I never got a "vibe" from this particular neighbor. Something I couldn't quite pur my finger on that made me uncomfortable. But they have been perfectly nice. I just think they probably engage in certain lifestyle activities. No judgement-- I just don't want to clean up a portable hot tub.
@Laura2592 Oh, c’mon Laura, where’s your sense of adventure? LOL
What I’m envisioning is all the neighborhood families catching a glimpse of the screen and strolling over with their popcorn to attend Movie Night at Laura’s…law enforcement guy included!…
@Pat271 I really think there may be more going on under the surface of my little hamlet. Honestly I should write a book about some of these hosting experiences.
And this is why we’re all suspicious of local and local adjacent guests…. “We’re all completely normal, just can’t do our completely normal things at our own completely normal house, for completely normal reasons….nothing to see here…”
@Kelly149 that's exactly what we said. "Oh how much fun to have a portable hot tub at your place! We just don't have insurance that covers it if something were to go wrong so we can't have it set up here. But sounds like something you guys will enjoy!"
TBH I didn't even know there was such a thing as a portable hot tub before this conversation. Now I'm kind of sorry I do.
@Laura2592 "I really think there may be more going on under the surface of my little hamlet."
David Lynch movies are based on that- the juxtiposition of outward normalcy with total weirdness going on under the surface. Which is what makes them so creepy.
@Sarah977 I love David Lynch! But this vibe is more R rated rural soap opera than surreal.
I had a friend who worked the crisis line. The stuff that goes on behind closed doors in seemingly normal residential neighborhoods is shocking.
Maybe your past guest who wanted contact info for "hot neighbor" would have had more fun with "across the street neighbor".
I'm thinking there may be vortexes on the planet that attract weirdness. You and Inna seem to get the weirdest guests.
@Sarah977 you are so right! I should connect them lol. Seems like it should be an interesting visit. We get left out of all these goings on because we only stay at our place once a month. Who knows what is REALLY happening.
@Laura2592 You should stay there more. You're missing out on all the exciting action 🙂
@Sarah977 oh I am SURE. But there are things you are better off not knowing. Ignorance is bliss!
You might note that hot tubs are not allowed because your ghosts are afraid of water and might leave.
Also there’s a strong possibility that your electrical system would be overloaded and when the lights went out it would be ALL YOUR FAULT!
@Brian2036 I don't know if we are actively recruiting ghosts or supposed to be scaring them away! Unclear on which is the appropriate state for most guests. But yes, we have been having some problems with power outages during storms all along the street in the last few months. So we are in no way eager to overload the electrical.
In fact, we are in no way eager to encourage this hot tub extravaganza at our space in any way. Its ballsy that someone would even say "hey, I am not a guest but can I bring over my Coleman 4 seater hot tub?" Its kind of like the guest in the other thread who brought their own window AC unit. Sometimes you just can't anticipate the shenanigans. And we aren't pushovers. We have healthy boundaries with our guests and neighbors. I can only imagine what people who have trouble saying no would do in some of these situations.