Hihow much time should this take after a stay ?cheersjames
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Hihow much time should this take after a stay ?cheersjames
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I’m very concerned to see this new update.
Giving a guest 72 hours to report problems instead of 24 hours is going to make the free stay scammers ecstatic. 24 hours was plenty. Why should a guest get to complain about cleanliness after staying for over 2 days?
After hosting thousands of guests I can give many examples including once when I went to re-clean a kitchen floor for a family who clearly had spilled their own takeout food sauces all over it and then told me the floor was dirty. I’m getting very worried about the future of this business when I see changes like this:
This new policy worries me too! It's like handing over the keys to the guest! And we already know how often airbnb is more than likely to side with the customer. This is an overreach against hosts
I'm done with Airbnb. Even if I don't make as much from my rental, I will have less liability. Crap happens to homes all the time that make them unavailable for guest use. Once we had a gas leak and had to cancel on a guest. Why should hosts have to pay for a new accommodation AND refund the guest?!? That is ridiculous!
Then on top of that, giving guests 72 hrs to complain?! That is just asking for all sorts of unscrupulous people getting free stays.
Just start direct hosting.
Es increbile y terrible que la nueva politica de rembolso este en contra de los host. Eso le da poderes al huespued para quejarse de nuestros apartamentos para que nosotros le paguemos uno mejor y salga el costo de nuestros bolsillos. Eso es totalmente inaceptable, eso sera para los huespuedes que abusen del sistema como viajar de gratis. Y de hecho ustedes no pierden nada solo nosotros. No nos estan protegiendo solo estan usandonos sin tenernos en cuenta. Esperamos que esta nueva politica no sea puesto en efecto, es una locura.
Can you guys just cut the spendings to people who make these type of decision and hire lawyers and lobbyists to help hosts to fight cities instead? The whole state of Philly just banned airbnb. I only imagine how many businesses got ruined because of this. How many people had to move out of State.
Have you heard about the snoozing listings strike that is happening tomorrow 5/18?
Please inform me... is this something where if I snooze my listing, I get in trouble? Or another strike? TIA!
@Alba160 I did see that on a forum. I will plan to do it. What’s the plan for the length of the snooze? I unlisted 7 properties altogether yesterday.
How did the strike go? It would work best if a lot of Airbnb host do it all at once. How would you go about informing all of the airbnb host? I would have certainly snoozed my hosting if I knew. I have three listings.
@Meehyun0 it turned out only one of the Facebook groups was doing it. My friend told me that but I did it anyway. I don’t think it was very big or impacted anything.
I believe the platform is currently focused on new hosts anyway. So it would take a lot to convince them the existing (old) hosts matter much.
After reading these threads I’m going to ask everyone who bought Airbnb stock to sell it. Analysts are puzzled by Airbnb stocks, why they are languishing, and I know why now.
Airbnb will lose their hosts.
Cities will ban Airbnb.
Hosts will not fight the taxation and regulations. They will just fold.
no hosts, no guest, no Airbnb.
the whole brand is becoming a scam. Hotels were pissed that they lost revenue due to Airbnb. So they let them get in on the action and list them.
but what they all do not know is that it really was the Mom and Pop shops that drew the guests in the early days. Now all the scammer guests and corporate hosts really have tarnished their original core values.
They are not what they say they are.
You lose your values and you become hollow, people or companies and even countries.
Every host should make sure to review all guests honestly. Be factual. Because I had guests who tried to extort me by mentioning reviews. There are people out there who are scammers. But fool you once but don't get fooled twice. Host reviews will weed out scammers in time, slowly but surely.
I don't see it being a problem. As per the situation with uncleanliness after the guests arrive (meaning that it is their uncleanliness) take before occupancy and after occupancy pics. Therefore, you have presented your space in concordance with the guidelines as stated. Explain it to your guests before check in (preferably during the reservation process), and that should still cover us as hosts.