08:57 PM

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08:57 PM
I have had to turn OFF instant booking recently because of a serier of similar incidents. Over the past couple of weeks, I have had 2 next day instant bookings, "to visit family in town", which I did not think much about, until the second guest arrived. He was verified through Airbnb and lived in Santa Maria California with a CA phone number.
Yet, he had no luggage, he was in a black Escalade with totally blacked out windows, and FL plates - so you could not see the other guests, and rental companies don't provide cars like that. I told him, the dryer was broken and I would have a service person look at it, and I would text him the wifi password. He proceeded to give me a local phone number. When I questioned him about the phone number, he said he used to live here, which is why he is returning to visit friends.
While in my car, texting him the password, the back door of the Escalade opened, then immediately closed, and they remained in the car for (no exaggeration ) 10 minutes while I sat in my car watching them, after which they drove off without exiting the car. My front door is a key pad door lock which registers each time the door opens and closes. That evening, feeling very uncomfortable with the guests, at 11:00pm I checked my computer app for the door history, and the door opened 77 times between 2pm and 11pm. Absolutely, unusual for guests coming to town to visit family and friends.
Next day, I made the excuse that I needed to see the dryer, and there were 2 different cars in the driveway. I texted the guest, and he said NO NEED, I WON'T BE USING THE DRYER". I told him I was just down the street, and no problem if he was not home, I had a key. I politely knocked, and heard shuffling in the house, and after knocking 2x and then getting ready to open the door, a different man answered the door, while another closed the bedroom door and another closed himself in the bathroom. Total count - 4 men.
So I decided to ask where was the host - JOHNNY... (who's name on Airbnb was different). One guy said he was showering in the bathroom, never asking "who is Johnny".
MY REAL CONCERN IS THAT PEOPLE ARE USING AIRBNB AND OTHER VACATION RENTAL SITES TO RENT HOUSES FOR ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. Since yesterday - I have had 3 more "NEXT DAY" requests to book, and in researching the guest further, found out they have local phone numbers or IDENTICAL phone numbers.
I reported this activity to Airbnb, who I am sure will take measures, but I think the HOST COMMUNITY needs to be aware that criminals are wising up and using alias' to rent properties for short periods of time and running illegal activities out of the house.
Jeff - Tampa Florida USA
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08:57 PM
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02:30 PM

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07:29 AM

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07:29 AM
You know how I prevent ‘any things’? If I have a bad feeling about someone, I tell them that I’m NRA member and that my home is protected by 2nd amendment of US Constitution. Boy-oh-Boy!!! I never heard from them again... lol
07:29 AM
02:54 PM

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02:54 PM
I do seem to remeber that AirBnB have somewhere in the fine print that you need to declare your guns, but not NRA membership.
I doubt if anybody does. But could be a handly tool.
04:44 AM

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04:44 AM
@Jeff69 THANK YOU for posting this!!!
I just had the same thing... totally new and eager and trusting. INSTANT BOOK IS BOGUS! I am a lawyer and if you read the fine print its just a placebo... the "verified i.d." thing. They don't check anything. They don't even photo match. I had two instant books with no profile pic. And what just happenend last night....oh my. Totally fake profile with great picture. I am in chicago area, looking to host a guy who is ukrainian and his family coming for a wedding in a nearby town. Once all the dirty deeds were done, I googled his very unique name and there were no phone records, no socail media records, and the one person in the US with his name is a homeowner half hour away. Neighbors saw kids going in and out of the house, someone used this name and made a profile even with a positive review somehow, and then through a huge party. When the police came this afternoon and i was still cleaning they found drugs. The worst was that someone urinated all over one of the bedrooms (have to replace mattress and desk) and there was alcohol EVERYWHERE.... and from so many people in and out leaves and such from outdoors were also everywher, even the beds! I have NO IDEA what went on in there but it WAS NOT a ukranian family attending a wedding. Ha. The problem is with trusting an algorythm or a government ID... air b n b is so promoting instant book and when I turned it off they made me check ten boxes about the evils of life without instnat book... like THEY DONT PROMOTE THE LISTING....which is terrible!!! Good news! This taught me a lot. Do not fall into air b n b philosophy and naivete that all people are good. ha. What ended up happening is I went to message my incoming guest for a later check in because of all the clean up. I realized that guest did not have a profile picture (air b n b says they use photo matching to confirm profile with required gov't ID....but how can that be true when my instant book guest didn't even HAVE a profile picture, hmmmm???) and that he had only said "thanks for letting us stay in your place" not why he was coming or who with. So I reasonably and kindly asked for these things that are recommended as basics to hosts, and then asked for a later check in for him. Well, in the end I dodged a bullet, because he wouldn't answer the questions, wouldn't put up a picture, and got snippy with me. So thankfully air b n b cancelled the reservation realizing it was a bad idea. BE CAREFUL!!! I wrote a long thing to air b n b saying that they are giving false assurances with instant book if this can happen. its literally worthless they don't vet anything. They just intimidate the honest, but put up a worthless speedbump to the corrupt. SOLUTION: vet yourself. Either online, or just ask simple easy questions that you can verify. "You say you're coming for a wedding...could I have the bride and groom's name?" You should easily be able to look up the wedding. Ask anything that is neutral and non discriminatory that is able to be verified with a quick internet search. If they are lying, don't rent!@ Its' not worth it. I was spared by this, though it was traumatic, its financilly way better than it could have been. BEWARE INSTANT BOOK!!!
04:44 AM
02:55 PM

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02:55 PM
@Jeff69 Please post the outcome when you try to have Abnb reimbuse you. I have been following that line for 3 years.
For thousands in damages and theft, I have seen only 2 people who got compensation under the Abnb guarantee. One man relentlessly emailed and wrote the CEO and CFO of the company and finally got compensation when he threatened legal action. The second man happily reported that he got full compensation not just once but 3 times that his house had been trashed. I think his minority status had something to do with that and more power to him.
I have never had a problem with guests, but I feel for those who do. Lawyer, huh? There is enough different threads on the community board to start a class action.
10:25 PM

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10:25 PM
Hi Amy, I have claimed the deposit, but never requested more than the deposit in damages. I also found out quickly that you have a VERY short window of time to make a claim. I had one guest leave at 11am, the other arriving at 2pm. The housekeeper said the departing guest broke a bedroom door. I contacted Airbnb (before the arriving guest arrived) and they told me I HAD TO PERSONALLY CONTACT THE DEPARTING GUEST FIRST, and see how they responded. The departing guest said "the door was like that" and I said it was not. I told him I was retaining the deposit and he said "whatever".
Be sure all your correspondence is through Airbnb, because once Airbnb saw the chain of communication, they approved my retaining the deposit. I added a lot of HOUSE RULES to my listings, including minimum age, max guests, and that the guest provide me the names of all guests staying (regardless of age) and all guests over 18 will be required to provide valid photo ID at time of arrival.
Fortunately Airbnb does not 'yet' reduce your status for DECLINING requests, as I have become much more particular as to whom I accept.
Best to you, Jeff
10:25 PM
03:22 AM

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03:22 AM
Hi Jeff,
I was reading your post and wondered if you can answer this question for me. I was under the impression airbnb did reduce host status for too many declined bookings? Hmm now I'm confused because in my "progress" report it says I've got an 92% acceptance for guests and the number is 95% to qualify for airbnb plus. Also it says for the business qualification you have to maintain 90% so if you want to be listed in these categories you must have a certain percentage. Maybe you weren't referring to these as they are new additions?
Thanks D
04:51 AM

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04:51 AM
Hi Dee, I may not be the best person to ask about SH status. I am as confused as everyone else. I know that it has to do with response rate, ratings and cancellations. I did loose super host status once when a guest who instant booked contacted me as said she made a mistake and did not realize she booked the suite. She said if she cancelled, she would be penalized, and asked me to cancel so she would not be penalized. Low and behold, I was penalized for doing such, and lost super host status.
Sorry, but I can't explain the statistics. Jeff
09:56 PM

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09:56 PM
After two recent incidents with local, same-day bookings we are now turning them all down.
1. I had a woman who lives in a suburb of our city message me about some dates a few weeks out. She said she was planning a 'girl's weekend' with old college friends and wanted to know a lot of info about the house, bedrooms, was it private, etc. I chatted with her and gave her the info. Next day, she books my place for that night, 2 guests, says she and a friend were coming in to town for pedicures and thought they'd get dinner and make a night of it. Okay, seems fun. I get the place ready, meet a woman who has a different color hair from the profile picture and in the conversation she says she's the friend. Okay, still fine.
Next day, the house is pristine, but only the king bed has been slept in, all the towels are dirty and there are condom wrappers all over the bedroom floor. Loads of alcohol bottles in recycling. Hmm, that's quite a pedicure.
2. Next week, a different person messages me about booking for that night. Lives in a different suburb, similar story (woman and friend, she wants to get a massage and go to dinner down town) and wants to book the listing. I get the place ready and tell them I will meet them at 5. They message me and say it will be really late, can I just leave the key in the box. I have stuff to do, so I say sure. I leave the key, they stay the night, the next day again lots of alcohol bottles, one bed slept in, all towels dirty but this time no condom wrappers (good, I think?) This time, however, a neighbor remarks about the 'party' that was at my house the night before...
so, you're local and you want to rent one of my places? nope
09:56 PM
11:44 PM

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11:44 PM
Jeff- ABB isn't going to do anything. They don't care what illegal activities the guests are doing or even if they commit crimes against you. I have had guests commit crimes against me whom ABB knows have done similar things to other hosts and they are still using the site. ABB even removed my truthful review after I explained the situation to an ABB rep and she said the review was fine. The want their service fee. That's it. You have to call the police. The way to deter crooks is to make them send you an unadultrated photo of the front and back side of every adult in the groups ID. Then you say if everyone in the group doesn't match their ID's the entire group will be turned away. It has worked for us. The shady ones don't want to give the ID. The good ones understand why you are doing it. Don't rely on ABB. They do not have your back, not in my numerous experiences.
11:44 PM
11:57 PM

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11:57 PM
I agree. I have in my listing, my rules and my correspondence that all guests over 18 must provide valid photo ID. I have not had a problem since.
11:57 PM
12:07 AM

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12:07 AM
12:07 AM
12:12 AM

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12:12 AM
I actually went back to instant booking - because my listings which are always in the top 10 choices on the first search page, dropped to about the 10th PAGE when I dropped IB. I have now added strict requirements, and I am told by Airbnb, I can decline any IB within 24 hours of them booking. So if I am not comfortable, I can decline.
12:12 AM
12:15 AM

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12:15 AM
12:23 AM

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12:23 AM
Hi David, I believe it was during a conversation with customer support. I called to complain about why they penalize those hosts who don't IB, and they said there was a 24 hour grace period. I hope I have not posted incorrect information.
12:23 AM
03:39 AM

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03:39 AM
Does seem that there are many Reps who make it up as they go along, I do not doubt that was what you were told.
03:39 AM