Booking does not go through due to Air BNB non compliance with enhanced bank security checks

Level 1
Wargrave, United Kingdom

Booking does not go through due to Air BNB non compliance with enhanced bank security checks

Over the weekend I tried to book a trip on Air BNB and while it looked initially as if the transaction was proceeding it hung on a screen stating that bank checks needed to be completed and they would hold the booking until this was completed.    

No request for approval came through from my bank.  When I clicked continue the app then hung on a screen stating wait a minute.

It became obvious that no booking had been made.


I contacted my bank to check what was going on and was informed that the bank security system/checks have been updated in the past 6 - 12 months and that Air BnB have not acted to be in compliance with these checks and so these are denied by the bank.


Tried again this morning  - same story.................................have  made alternate arrangements.     



1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mairead25 This could explain a recent lack of bookings. Oh well lets hope they get their act together soon. @Jenny Could you tweak Airbnb for us please?