Can a Guest bring a Security Camera for their Stay?

Level 2
Denver, CO

Can a Guest bring a Security Camera for their Stay?

Hello - I'm a host but also travel internationally extensively.  As I have numerous valuable items in the AirBnb's that I rent, I bring a basic home security camera that I can easily activate.


Question:  Does AirBnb have any policy on *guests* using security cameras for their rented interior space to protect their own valuables?

2 Replies 2
Level 9
Hardys Bay, Australia

It is a criminal offence to video inside. Airbnb do have a policy. You are not permitted to allow any sound recording. Cameras can be on the outside of the property and you must display a sign. 

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa


The policy you refer to applies to hosts. I'm not aware of a similar policy for guests @Andy48 

I also don't see why a host would have a problem with it. Mention it in your message to the host inside the Airbnb app. That way, it's on record that the camera is yours.


Guests are sometimes concerned about their belongings inside an Airbnb, hosts may be aware of this and may not mind your camera.