Hi everyone, I’m just wondering if anyone else (that’s not ...
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Hi everyone, I’m just wondering if anyone else (that’s not a host) can see who booked an air bnb? And are hosts allowed to t...
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I host 3 properties in Ireland and have been looking at the new cleaning protocols for other areas , i would like to see if i can commit to the protocol and wondered if hosts in general are aiming to do this - not sure ive seen any/many lostings showing this, or indeed how i might find them.......
- i have a couple of queries and wonder what others are doing
is anyone waiting 3 hours after checkout before entering the oroperty - not simple as we mainly use a keysafe for self checkin/out at oresent and most guests dont confirm they have checked out
- we keep a gap of 1 night before & after each booking which i think is more important that waiting 3 hours to enter the property
thanks & hope things are improving for people, we Re definitely getting lots of short stay requests since easing of travel restrictions
@Trish25 The cleaning protocols are way over the top and would take many many hours to carry out. I am naturally distrustful and don't believe that many hosts who have signed up to the protocol are actually fulfilling it 100%. Not doing so will, I am sure, lead to law suits.....
Thanks for your response, i dont plan on signing up to anything thats not fully complied with, i just cant find a protocol for Ireland to check........
Airbnb has been using the document for the enhanced cleaning protocol in different countries, and just making revisions for regional spelling or wording (e.g., US trash and sanitize, becomes rubbish and sanitise for most other English speaking countries).
I signed up an participated for two reservations, and then opted-out, because there were some things that I couldn't commit to doing: washing walls, cleaning curtains between each stay, giving guests face masks and hand sanitizer, just to name a few. I have an apartment in Atlanta, and most comparable listings in my area have not opted-in, and their calendars look pretty full. None of my guests have inquired about cleaning before booking (with and without the enhanced cleaning emblem). In my experience, enhanced cleaning has not been a big factor in getting bookings.
Thanks Debra
@Trish25 It's important to wait 3 hours after guests leave to enter the property, as the virus can hang in the air for at least 3 hours and you or your cleaner needs that buffer to allow any aerosol particles to settle on surfaces. It's about you or your staff not exposing yourselves to possible infection. Even wearing a mask, which you certainly should do, protects others from your breath more than it protects you from what is there to be inhaled.
If you have no way of knowing when guests check out, either by having outside cameras or asking for check-out messages, or not getting a reply when you message to ask if they've checked out, then you might have to make an earlier check out window so you have time to safely enter and clean.
Thanks Sarah.