I’m wondering if there are tips to boost bookings during the...
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I’m wondering if there are tips to boost bookings during the winter months
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Since our community is based on trust and transparency, the really needs to be a more fair and transparent way to deal with internal safety team.
Four years of being a super host and I guess count exceeding 4000 people and the only issues I’ve ever had are with this covert team of rogue sadists.
**[Private conversation removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]
Seriously, you guys can do better than this. I’ll have in excess of $150k in bookings this year with amazing reviews and this is strategy for retaining good hosts? I would actually love to be part of the solution and addressing this.
Please let me know if I can help... Send me I’m not kicked off for doing something wrong that nobody knows what it is.
Sounds like you just entered the "TWILIGHT ZONE" !!!!
;D 😄 lol
This sounds like good media fodder to me. the whole situation is so utterly ridiculous it needs to be splashed all over media to shame the company into better transparency. They very definitely do not like negative publicity
How do we do that? They are like the KGB - they make decisions in a vacuum without any correspondence whatsoever with the host!
There are many big companies which seem to have horrid customer service these days, but this business where Airbnb chastizes hosts and threatens them with delisting, or actually delists them, while refusing to tell them why, has got to be the most abhorrent practice I've ever heard of. It should definitely be called out loudly in the media. Can you imagine getting fired from your job and your employer refusing to tell you why? They'd get dragged into court so fast, and the employee would win the case.
@Sarah977 not in my line of work (software engineering)! I'm employed "at will" and either my employer or I can terminate the employment at any time, for any reason not prohibited by law. In fact the employer is highly unlikely to state a cause, exactly because it could be lawsuit fodder. I'm pretty sure that's the norm in the US for any employee not under some kind of union or other contract.
@Lisa723 Wow, thanks for the education. That really surprises me. But then when there are landlord/tenant laws that prevent a landlord from evicting a tenant who hasn't paid their rent for months, I guess nothing is really surprising.
Absolutely not the norm in the US.
Helen @744 So if you were your boss who had an entire company that could grind to a halt and u had the lever to stop all of the manufacturing processes I guess that would be an okay scenario for you to do that and not tell the guy whose business it is.These are our businesses but Airbnb think its their business. Their engagement with guests as an intrusive concierge service that bears no relationship to to our businesses or to our guests All it does is set up a right for guests to interfere with our business if they do not like either us or any minor issue . It is not either Airbnbs business to run our business from thousands of miles away or our guests who are also thousands of miles away . We are the coal face. Guests need to follow a few rules and not be set up to attack the hosts business. If Airbnb had actual offices where guests would actually turn up then they may understand that we do. We do deal with actual real live people . Airbnb does not and needs to stop thinking they do . I go out of my way to make sure guests are happy comfortable and able to sleep be safe and relax. Airbnb riles them up and helps deliver unreal expectations.
i have to agree with you
Airbnb is not doing anything to protect their hosts. It is a shame that after many years of good reviews, I get suspended because of a bad and unfair review. Airbnb also refuses to remove the review, even after I explained that the guest said my place did not suit their needs and admitted that she did not read my listing. Airbnb help desk is useless. I got the impression that the "expert" is also a computer I was talking to.
Oh my! I can’t believe how you have have been treated!
Twinkle Y at the Airbnb health and safety department is such a kind and responsible case manager.
She treats every case very efficiently and in such a kind manner. She is so efficient in answering emails and requesting further documents.
Maybe you should contact her directly?
The health and safety team at the Airbnb call center is truly dedicated to their jobs in their respective department.
I’ve actually spoken to these call centers numerous times in the past week.
Since I live in AK, there is, unfortunately for me, a huge time difference.
I have to stay up until 12 am my time to get a response (my fault-i don’t mean to criticize the department; i was just anxious for a resolution).
I’m absolutely certain Airbnb will take care of your issues in a prompt, courteous, and fair manner.
Maia Hatter
hello @Maia29 It's Trust & Safety Team that @Jeremy193 has referred to not Health & Safety - the 2 are very different to the best of my knowledge as I'm sure @Jeremy193 can confirm.
Personally my dealings with them late last year over a couple of IT related matters that were out of my control, that was referred to them via Customer Services is still not properly fixed which is annoying.
It would be helpful to have a far easier way of contacting them to help fix these issues instead of dragging on
From your lips to god's ears.
However for me, although I love the Airbnb concept, Hosts are treated as Fourth Class citizens while Guests, from my experience, are never wrong. They do pay the majority of the total fee paid to Airbnb, BUT is that reason to rarely give Hosts a proper hearing?