Dear all, I booked a room for 1 night and I need to check in...
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Dear all, I booked a room for 1 night and I need to check in at 11 am. This was communicated to the host before she accepted ...
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Have any other hosts had experience of making a claim against the Airbnb host assurance policy?
I have experience delay, rejection, obstruction & the claim to be recycled around the system for over 4 months now.
I have not been offered even the guests deposit!
It appears to me that Airbnb always favour the guest not the host in a very prejudice way on every occasion!
the nature of Airbnb booking & communication procedures make it impossible to obtain guests address & other details to take the guest to a small claims court, and the host assurance procedure blocks matters up so long that the guest gets off Scot free while a host is potentially left in crippling debt, exhausted trying to rectify the guest damage & with an overwhelming sense of aloneness, distress, anxiety & impotence as all correspondence with a guest is difficult when they constantly refer to the host protection assurance & Airbnb constantly block any resolution!
I am beyond disappointed.. I am now so frustrated I am going to take to social media & local press to discover who else might have experienced the same level of procrastination and obstruction.
can any other hosts help me understand why this situation is allowed to occur? Is the only solution to have huge deposits or to leave Airbnb? Where does the community sit on these matters?
Even a personal insurance claim is blocked by the lack of information given by Airbnb. They haven’t returned copies of all of our correspondence or theirs with the guests & they won’t offer any deadline to their processing my claim. Obstruction appears to be the fall back position in dealing with my claim.. why? They stand to lose hosts & public credibility...
@Sarah977 Yes, apparently there is no such thing as host protection with airbnb. The host deposit is definitely a joke.
@Donna635 I have definitely read posts where hosts said the guests notified them of accidental damages during a stay and offered compensation without being asked.
But these are the kind of guests who don't cause damage because they're careless or don't give a **bleep**, it was just an accident, like we all have occasionally, and they are decent, responsible folks.
The kind of guests who are just uncaring and disrespectful of others' property are almost sure to refuse to pay.
Sorry you've had these bad experiences and hopefully can find a way to str that is more fair to you.
Thanks Sarah
i have had such lovely Airbnb guests overall.. maybe that’s why I’m so disappointed & keen to resolve things sooner..the delays make me stressed, and I feel impotent waiting, when in fact the guests should quite rightly suffer consequences, not us.
I want to put it behind us & try to move on positively.. I have always had a very good relationship with all Airbnb support, incredibly supportive & helpful. I don’t really understand what is going on all this time.. 🥴
I am seriously feeling the same way! I bend over backwards to provide luxury 5 star stays for my guests. 14 Time consecutive SuperHost. Yet, in the last year I have had to beg and fight when a guest damages my property. There is no one to speak to, and even though we meticulously record damage by video, photos, timestamps, we receive canned responses from the escalation team that make zero sense.
Most recently, the escalation team determined that I should not be compensated for bedding and towels that I had to replace due to blood and red wine as they deem this "Normal wear & Tear". I'm very frustrated with the lack of support we are receiving as well as the shameful excuses for denying such obvious claims.
Quite agree.. appalling
We always decline requests for people who are doing a 'student film' even if they offer proof of their insurance, because we felt there was a huge chance of damage due to so many people there for the 'day' and equipment, etc. but I didn't realize that Airbnb would not cover damages when they happened in the course of a film because it would be ruled commercial use.
I did not in anyway consider it as a commercial booking. The guests had been already been creating a virtual work bubble since the previous lock down, and had been working independently as long as possible whilst in isolation . They booked my place as accommodation firstly but also apparently so everyone could be face to face for brainstorming meetings, editing, script discussions etc
as I had two large spaces mainly. We could accommodate all of them for two weeks. They had already planned their ‘shoots’ in the local area and asked to use the outside of the buildings also.
Due to the rule of 6 I could understand it must be hard to ever meet in any public spaces.
I have also had teams of shop fitters & electricians stay as on the same site for weeks in a work bubble.
The problems we experienced was more to do with how they lived in the properties, immature, messy, and yes probably partying. That is clearly against my description and rules when I rent my property. I know who was staying & my housekeepers mum did catering for the number of booked guests, there where no additional visitors, it was the same 18 people for sandwiches/lunch snacks and evening meals together.. some vegan/vegetarian/gluten free etc each day. They were young and irresponsible.. that seems to be the main problem.
I do hope Airbnb agree with you and cover your claim @Kerry26 but in your situation I would also be taking them to small claims court.
I feel I must also Helen. It’s not just the loss & damage.
They did not honour our agreement, and it affected me mostly as I had much personal expenses on top, time wasted, disruption, stress, and still the ongoing matters being unresolved for so long which causes more anxiety.
I felt I acted with kindness & consideration as we all found our world upside down, so wished to be supportive of people wanting peace & quiet to achieve a group gathering, needing time together which did not contravene Gov advice as they were a ‘work bubble’ with no intention of trying to attend pubs etc or risk being infection spreaders because they were intending to remain ‘isolated together’ for over two weeks.
The issue of their work was not really my concern, unless it was to cause any problem to neighbours or myself. I had no expectation it would be impacting negatively or that they would take liberties.
The damage is more how they behaved stupidly in my houses where they were sleeping, eating & socialising.. very disrespectful of my preparation & space.
@Kerry26 So misrepresentation of their intentions (never disclosing the filming in your property nor asking permission to do so) would be another angle you could pursue.
If your housekeeper's mum was going there on a regular basis to cater, how is it that the state of the place never came to your attention? Surely from what you describe, the property was a mess the entire time these guests were there, it didn't all happen on the last day.
I believe that @Kerry26 would need to have taken the booking as an Airbnb at Work booking to be covered for the initial use that her guests stated they would be using the property for.
I have fingers crossed for Kerry that Airbnb will accept the claim even if that was not how the booking was made.
Hi Sarah
she was dropping off and collecting dishes from the largest tidiest building and only went into that kitchen briefly as social distancing etc. to put labelled food out as the guests arrived to eat.. She regularly commented to them to ensure they returned dishes etc & ‘tidy up’ glasses as any mother might in a jocular way I gather, but I didn’t request her to spy!
I actually received regular text messages from the guests telling me how comfortable & happy they all were with their beds, the fireplace & such a lovely relaxed environment. I was told they were being careful & busy out most days, waking early to have meetings etc Nothing untoward. I can only assume they had a party situation at the end of their stay & all bolted leaving some idiot to clear up, which they failed to do but just made piles.. and shoved everything into random places! Burnt kitchen counters had been hidden under chopping boards, blankets with cigarette holes were folded on chairs, two broken chair legs were put back with straightened legs. The broken drier was unplugged & shoved into a corner... broken light put on the floor under the bed etc they knew, but didn’t care!
Hi @Kerry26,
I'm really sorry to hear you've been waiting long for a resolution.
I asked the CS team about your case and they informed me that there is an agent assigned to it who's currently working on it. Please keep an eye on your inbox as they should be getting in touch with you soon.
I really hope everything gets sorted, but also please let us know if you have any other concerns.
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Thank you Liv Appreciated!
i have had many people tell me it is in hand for months.. it’s very stressful.
cheers kerry