Corona virus email

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Corona virus email

I just want to say after a lousy January, February and now with March looking just as bad if not worse..



(re corona virus cancellation)


I don’t know if you have one of these beauts, I can’t be bothered to transcribe verbatim but basically... It goes like this:


‘we understand you may be worried about the possibility of a pandemic...being wiped off the face of the planet..or the impact that that’s  having on your calendar..


so...we thought now would be a great time to let you know we are giving guests more opportunity to cancel making that stress/uncertainty worse! 

feel better??




let’s run through what happens just so you really Do go out looking for that train to hop under...


in the event of a cancellation...


you...lose all your money ..and they..keep all’s not your fault no..but it’s not theirs either so...’s you that loses your money..we tossed a coin..


here’s the good news though...we...aren’t going to penalise you for cancelling..because you didn’t! ...see how that works! ?

and more good news...those days youve lost all your money on? Well they can go right back to blowing in the wind on your calendar! It’s going to be a great time for them to be there now everyone’s got it we could be facing extinction..No way do we want to take the chance to rent property away from you at this pivotal time!


and the last bit of good news...?


your superhost is totally unaffected..


you were worried weren’t you??


Thought we’d take away your earnings and your fictitious award too!? ...ohhhh you guys!   Silly!!  ....that’s what we love about you...







thats it basically. 


My ex works as ward matron at infectious diseases...she said


“the corona is predicted to kill 10,000 world wide..the last flu pandemic killed 125,000...who bothered about that?”


I don’t know how much of this is really as serious as it appears and how much it just sells papers.. and I understand that air bnb needs to clarify things and I have read their policy on the help centre and it seems totally fine to me..sensible enough..but this email hints it may be really slackening thing I will transcribe from this latest masterpiece is now guests can cancel if their “travel is restricted”


today I had my first cancellation citing the virus..I got my money as per cancellation policy..  this ladies work cancelled international travel..and I assume..she got paid out by all went as it called lost.


but if guests in this situation (for example) or a whole lot of others get information like you can cancel penalty free if your travel is “restricted” and they for example  DIDNT get paid out..well..I think we are going to see a 400% rise in guests arguing cancellation hopes these claims will be fruitless but meantime?


so yes THANKS air bnb for setting my mind at rest with this charming communiqué!


jeez! Who writes these things? For a global gazillion dollar could get better! 

someone who genuinely thinks about the impact and phrasing of an email for example.


(probably not me based on this rant yes..)

34 Replies 34
Level 1
San Antonio, TX

Geez. This is my first time on the Airb&b Community chat site. I was hoping to find that I am not the only one cancelling all of my future guests, at least for the next two to three months, for fear of hosting a person who would unknowingly became infected during travel then spreading the infection not only to me but throughout my community. Instead I’m reading how Airb&b’s cancellation policy due to the concern of a virus infection/spread may affect your finances? This fear and eventual spread of an epidemic could not come at a worse time for my husband and I with one daughter going into her first year of med school in August while the other getting married in 9 months. Unfortunately I have to accept losing the money but I rather avoid the possibility of getting me, my loved ones, or my community sick. It only takes one infected person to spread this deadly disease. Maybe those of you who are complaining about losing money should instead be preparing to have your available space ready for your sons, daughters or a loved one who will need a safe place. Pray that may God help all of us.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

@Diana1563  I am glad to hear you are one of the fortunate hosts who doesn't rely on Airbnb to cover essentials such as feeding your children, paying for utilities or your mortgage.


You are right paying for your daughters wedding or for your daughters university fees (both can get loans) are not essentials. 


Do you normally close your listing every winter for the flu virus which is much more prevalent than the corona virus at present, for fear of the risk of spreading the flu virus? 


I wouldn't dream of telling  other hosts how to handle their STR business.  As long as hosts are in low risk areas and take precautions advised by their health organisations, the risks are minimal. And the vast, vast majority of those who get the virus are not seriously affected. 


You are much more likely to be at risk going to the gym, supermarket, a concert or party.


Are you not planning to go out at all for the next few months @Diana1563 ?

@Helen3 and apparently her space is safer than that of her son's, daughter's and love one's. I should ask to be adopted as clearly that home will be an oasis of health while everyone else is going down

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

At the very least we should be bearing the cost of cancellations equally, not all on host shoulders. The EC policy is not fair and directly affects livelihood of hosts and our ancillary staff. Airbnb has missed an opportunity to encourage collective responsibility, this is what is needed from all during corona if we are to avoid economic collapse. GIVE AND TAKE.

Level 2
Philadelphia, PA

Any word on any reimbursements??? I am very upset with air bnb...