Level 2
Balearic Islands, Spain


Hosting since 2014. Last year i’ve lost my Superhost degree fighting against what I call Drama Guests. This kind of visit is the nightmare of any host. And here in Majorca was usual in hotels and I see now in holiday rentals.

What is a Drama guest? Well, súper correct all since they rent but when they ‘land’ at the house all are problems. And you can do anything to solve their problems that never is enough. They finally want some kind of discount or refund. And despite you accept it they will evaluate you as ‘**bleep**’. And sorry for word but it’s what happened to me this last weekend.

From minute 0 first of the problems:


Land friday 7th. 6 person. 6 set of towels. 1st request: no towels for all (where there!!!!) . They didnt ask for More.  The Simply said not enough towels for 6. 
Round 2 monday 10th. 7 Am i clean pool. Comes the Godfather of the Dramagroup: ‘Well we Don’t like kind of clean you have, furniture is dirty, terrace furniture is old (i accepted this one as are 3yo)so i clean and deinfect in front of them to solve the problem. Answer: give us a refund....

Round 3: buy new covers for sofas as they think are not clean enough...Asnwer: give us a refund...

Round4 (the best one): smoke extractor doesnt works (look for the switch guys!!!! 4 days without extractor just because they didnt know how it work and didnt call me! You Don’t have coffee machine...me eyes open as we have a Nespresso and a Italian one for 12...buy us an american style one or give us a refund of 200€

Finally, knowing how this ends, i accept partial refund and give back 142 as they Didnt paid part of ecotax and break a chair.

You know how this ends? An F- - review, menace thru SMS to authorities for a possible covid tranmitter as they think i Don’t clean and deinfect....Well a complete nightmare because of 58€. 

Worst part is that airbnb only hears the guest. Now I have a 4.3 and possibility to get advert locked...without any possibility of defense. Still wait answer from resolution center. 

Should be a register of Drama Guests. And Airbnb should hear a little in this conflict situations.





2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



I can not imagine why you accept to be treated by your guests like this. Offer such guests to shorten the reservation, as they seem to be so unhappy they probably are very eager to leave asap. 

Sometimes you have to give guests the same treatment as they treat you.

And do not hesitate to report such guests to Airbnb, instead of giving them a refund.


And last but not least: never use option "instant book", allways vet and accept guests manually.


Best regards,


Level 10
London, United Kingdom



The problem is there aren't always red flags with these sort of guests. Everything seems fine until after they arrive and then two coffee machines aren't good enough for them, because they want the exact type they use at home. Well then, why don't they STAY at home.


I have also experienced these types, the ones who write an essay instead of a review, using several sentences to complain about the lack of the exact type of coffee machine they would prefer and have all sorts of other ridiculous complaints. Of course, if I could have weeded them out beforehand, I would have, but when someone has 25 positive reviews and is initially polite, you have no idea that they are going to be the guests from hell after they check in.


You are right though, in that these types should be asked to leave. If they find the place so disgusting and unsuitable, why would they continue to stay?


@Luis991  I had one such demanding pair of guests who said in the review that my house was a 'building site' and 'dangerous'. Erm, check the numerous reviews before and since and the reviews from the two other guests staying in my house at the same time and no one else seemed to be of the same opinion. How was it a building site (with no builders and no buidling works going on) just in the days that they stayed, but not for the other guests staying at the same time???!


Luckily, I think most reasonable future guests can see these sorts of reviews for what they are. The ranty couple I mentioned never damaged my bookings and, luckily, their poor ratings didn't knock me off my 5 stars. I really, really wish I had asked them to leave as soon as they started causing problems though.