Deceptive and Manipulative Guest Causes Loss of Superhost Status

Level 2
Kingston, Jamaica

Deceptive and Manipulative Guest Causes Loss of Superhost Status

So I am considering removing all my AirBnB properties and converting to long term leases. I've had so many issues with AirBnB giving the guest all the power and removing any benefits to us as hosts.


Recently, I dealt with a deceptive guest who waited over 48 hours to report a stove issue. After addressing the gas line problem, our maintenance man went to check the stove but was refused entry by the guest. She later berated him over the phone and demanded a refund for the stove malfunction, which suddenly started working!


In addition, she waited until the last day to review us, I suspect to catch us offguard. She waited until 6 hours before the review period deadline was approaching.


  1. Despite my voluntary refund for the stove issue, her review painted the property as derelict
  2. I reported her behavior before she checked out, but Airbnb did nothing and even removed my review of her, citing a generic policy against retaliation.
  3. Airbnb has refused to take further action, leaving her inaccurate 2-star review, risking my Superhost status.


Is there any other way to address this issue with Airbnb?


By the way, this guest has been SEVEN YEARS on AirBnB and has ZERO reviews. I suspect she has done this action before.

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Darren469 I would have some sympathy except you let yourselves down and your fellow hosts down by not even bothering to review this guest. I guess the poor review you received would be seen to be Karma by some.

Hahah - you didn't read my comment "Airbnb did nothing and even removed my review of her, citing a generic policy against retaliation."


So the one review she had, was a negative one, which was mine. However, she successfully managed to lobby AirBnB and got that review taken down.

@Mike-And-Jane0do you have any new thoughts based on what I said? I am still looking forward to hearing some ideas or discussions that move things forward to a resolution.