Difficult guest

Level 2
Eastbourne, United Kingdom

Difficult guest

We have a guest arriving in two days time - I’ve already had 43 messages from him asking questions - most are already on our listing. For the first time in three years I’m not looking forward to hosting. 

21 Replies 21
Level 10
Austin, TX

It’s not too late to say what you should have said 40 messages ago


”please get out a full-size device and read the whole listing. I’m happy to help with unresolved questions after you’ve read thru the listing.”

or ask some questions back, like “you seem really nervous, is there something you need from us to be comfortable on this trip?”


people have forgotten how to act normal in the last 18 months


Level 2
Eastbourne, United Kingdom

After the first 10 questions I did say 'most of your very details questions are covered in our listing guide'. 

@Catherine1718 Youd be surprised how much can’t be seen when you’re trying to read it all on a phone

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

Unless the booking was made a year ago, 43 messages borders on harassment. 

The initial contact was at the end of last August - when there was a flurry of emails - then a torrent in the past week.


@Catherine1718 Actually, I take that back. It's harrassment, period. Any normal person should be able to read a listing and figure out a few other things by themselves in a years time. Do come back and update us on how the stay went. Best of luck to you.

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada

@Catherine1718, @Colleen253 


Is there a way to cancel?  Being the maybe there is a potential safety issue due to harassment?  Just a thought.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Colleen253 @Catherine1718  

"Unless the booking was made a year ago, 43 messages borders on harassment. "

Actually, I'd say it borders on insanity 🙂

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Catherine1718 


If a guest does this after the first couple of questions I say something like. "I provide a comprehensive listing and guide book for my area, please do familiarise yourself with both. Then if you have any questions related to my listing not covered by these guides, do feel free to ask' . Then if they keep asking questions covered by my information, I simply refer them back to the listing or guide.


What sort of questions is the guest asking. If they make you uncomfortable, then if you used IB you can ask Airbnb to cancel @Catherine1718 

Level 10
Silver Spring, MD

Had this happen in my third booking ever, about two years ago, before I knew the rules and how things were supposed to work.  The person also found me on Facebook, tried to friend me, and sent multiple Facebook messages.  They didn't know any better, it was a woman from Iowa, but I learned a lot from that experience and usually, with excessive messages now, refer them to a detailed check-in message which is sent when they book.

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Catherine1718 I get guests like this occasionally. I also sell fine jewelry online and have customers like this. There are some people who are extremely nervous shopping for anything online, be it a few nights in someone's home or a diamond. 


A wise person once told me to figure out how much my time was worth per hour and then limit contact with customers to ensure that they were not costing me too much in time. So that is my approach now. I am always very polite, but when the questions start to veer into territory I have already covered, I stop the conversation by saying something like:


"We are looking forward to hosting you, but are concerned that you may not be comfortable with your stay based on the questions you have. Please refer to our house rules and all the info in the listing to make sure that you are 100% sure of what we can offer, what our space is like, and which behaviors are limited on our property. If after reviewing all of that (its often helpful to do so on a laptop vice a phone as the app can be difficult to navigate) you feel this is not a good fit for you, please submit a cancellation request. There's absolutely no hard feelings whatsoever-- in fact, I would be happy to send you some recommendations of hosts in the area who may offer more of what you are looking for if you decide we aren't a fit. We want everyone to be thrilled with their stay with us and each host is unique, so the best thing for everyone is that you be sure that our space will be right for you. Our listing provides extensive detail to help make that decision. Thanks very much."

@Laura2592- Its good advice.  I never have sent a message like the one you have, but recently had a woman who sent probably about 15 questions and then cancelled.  But not after sending a snarky message about how my place was totally unacceptable for her plans and that she wanted to go to George Washington University in Washington DC and was upset that the commute was not under 10 minutes.  I actually (thank you to others hosts for advising this) recently updated my listing to show commute times to all the major cities in the DC-Metro area so I'm grateful that she didn't show up and leave a '1" in location or something like that.


Also, the potential guest threw in some comments about how my twin beds in the room should be larger.  Basically, she liked nothing about the house but booked here anyway, then cancelled and acted like I had done something wrong.  Thank goodness she never actually arrived and stayed here, I am certainly it would have been nothing but trouble.

Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

I would just cancel the reservation. Explanation: I can't deal with this.

Better to have the dates go unbooked.

Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Catherine1718  uh oh. It could be harassment, insanity, nerves or even someone with ASD. There are many possible reasons. Whatever it is, it doesn't bode well for the stay. If they first made contact with you a year ago and have since sent you 43 messages and you cancel them at this late stage, they may have a nervous breakdown! So, I think you should honour the booking. But please do let us know how it goes!