
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Do you accept same-day bookings?

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

Do you accept same-day bookings?

Hello all,  I've had a few requests for same-day bookings lately that haven't been good, and I was considering no longer accepting requests.   I have also accepted same-day requests that I've ended up regretting. We have Instant Booking enabled, but if they want to book for the same day they have to send us a request to do so. I was wondering what everyone else is doing: do you accept same-day bookings, and if so, how have they worked for you?


Here are my examples from this year so far:


Situation 1, New Year's Day. A group of 4 Americans blew a tire on the highway and couldn't get it fixed due to the holiday. We allowed them to book same-day. They booked for fewer people than arrived and they left the flat a mess. Not worth the trouble.


Situation 2, about 3 weeks ago. A couple travelling across Canada needed a place to stay last-minute. We accomodated them, and they were very nice and left the flat in good shape.


Situation 3, two weeks ago. Last-minute booking request from a local who had terrible reviews from other local hosts: more guests than booked, partying, leaving places a mess, not observing the rules. I declined their booking request.


Situation 4, Friday night. I was on my way out of town at about 7 pm, and another local tried to book with us. Logisitics wouldn't have worked anyways, but I was uncomfortable due to them being locals and their stated reason for staying. I declned.


I just feel like it's not worth wasting declines on these guests, especially when I've had some that don't work out well. One out of four successful bookings isn't a great result.

44 Replies 44
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If it doesn't work for you then don't take them.


I haven't accepted same day bookings  since I started three years ago.

Level 10
England, United Kingdom

No way - especially with instant book enabled.  I want to be able to go out for the day and not suddenly have to rush back.  If somebody has an emergency they can fnd a hotel.

Level 10
Somerville, MA

@Alexandra316  The only time I accept same day bookings [and one-night bookings] is when the airport is closed due to weather and I have an open night.


You can set your listing preferences to not allow same day bookings so you don't "waste" any declines.

@Susan151 Seems reasonable to only take them under very specific circumstances.


I know I can turn it off: just debating on whether or not I want to do that and trying to get some perspectives from other hosts.

Level 3
Mashpee, MA

Hi Alexandra, I have both Instant Book and same day booking enabled...but only until 6pm (hosts, of course, can set that time to their preference).  After 6pm, the date is automatically blocked on the calendar.  And should I decide for whatever reason not accept guests today,  I just open my Airbnb calendar and block the date manually, regardless of the time.  So far no issues.  

@Jim40  Yep, I have the same setup. They can only send a request until 7 pm the day of at the moment. I was thinking about making it earlier in the day, but I'm not sure that would help with the dodgy requests.


I should have blocked the calendar on Friday, probably.

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Alexandra316 the good news about a dodgy same day request is that you don't necessarily have to Decline. If you just wait the few hours until tomorrow then the request will no longer be valid bc the day has changed so it will become invalid on it's own.

Of course, if you want them to stay then Accept but otherwise time will solve the problem

@Kelly149 I kind of wondered about that. How does the system see it if you just ignore them? Maybe if you sent a message but didn't accept or deline it wouldn't be seen as a negative? I've always thought it was important to give people a definitive yes or no, but maybe a quick response is enough.

@Alexandra316 I had this happen this weekend. Last minute request (said another host bailed on them but no other info given) so I answered back quickly (you definitely have to type in an answer!!!) with some "tell me about you and your plans", "have you read the whole listing?", "have any other questions for me?" and then just let it sit...

It was an actual request, not an inquiry.

They didn't respond and the whole thing sat there until the next day and then it becomes "this request is no longer possible" OR they go elsewhere or withdraw the request for "xxx no longer needs a place". 

Either way, I'm not using up Declines on failure to plan types

@Kelly149 Good to know: that will be my go-to then.

Level 10
Bergen, Norway


I have done so a couple of times, but found there were not enough time to get the necessary info across and a lower communication score as a result.

@Marit-Anne0 Interesting... you would hope that guests being accomodated at the last minute would be more greatful that you're able to get them in, rather than being critical of having to iron out details at the last minute.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Alexandra316  I would never take a same day booking, unless it was from a guest I already knew. Partly because I work and wouldn't have time to prepare the space, but also because I think people who have fly-by-night lives tend to be less responsible and more self-centered, expecting others to accommodate their lack of planning. Of course there can be circumstances where someone finds themselves in a desperate situation through no fault of their own, but you can't always trust that what a stranger tells you is the truth.

There's also the issue that's been reported here by some hosts from time to time that Airbnb didn't actually collect the payment on a same day booking at the time it was booked, the payment didn't go through, and the host never got paid.

@Sarah977 That's an excellent point regarding payment issues: I hadn't thought about that part of it, but you're probably right based on what other hosts have said.


We both work as well, but we usually leave the flat all ready to go if we don't have a guest scheduled so we can accept a reservation at the last minute. Due to using smart locks, I can also check people in remotely.