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Hi everyone,
I’ve seen a few of you mention a guest book in your listings, and I always think it’s a lovely way to keep a record of all your great guests. I think it’s also nice to have a read and see if fellow guests have recommendations of things they have stumbled across (and when), and I remember doing this in the past on family holidays.
However, I haven’t seen a guest book in recent years at any of the Airbnb’s I’ve stayed at, so I wonder if it’s not a very popular thing to do nowadays? I guess it could be just another thing to manage within your listing, but it could also be a great way to pick up minor points of feedback which might not make it into a review.
Do you keep a guestbook, and what format does this take? Do you use it for getting feedback or just as a resource for other guests?
мы впервые увидели гостевую книгу, когда останавливались в Ницце. Подумали, почему бы нам не использовать этот опыт. Сначала это была тонкая тетрадь, но гостям так понравилась эта идея, что тетрадь, в скором времени, истрепалась. Пришлось завести более толстую тетрадь в твердом переплете. Конечно, мы постарались перенести все отзывы из прошлой книги в новую. На первой странице у нас в книге обращение к гостям. А далее их отзывы. Гости очень доброжелательны и пока там в основном положительные добрые слова. Дети оставляют там свои рисунки, взрослые часто - смайлики.
Даже если наш опыт на Airbnb закончится, это останется приятным воспоминанием для нас надолго.
We first saw the guestbook when we stayed in Nice. We thought, why don't we use this experience. At first it was a thin notebook, but the guests liked this idea so much that the notebook soon frayed. I had to start a thicker hardcover notebook. Of course, we tried to transfer all the reviews from the previous book to the new one. On the first page we have an appeal to guests in the book. And then their reviews. The guests are very friendly and so far there are mostly positive kind words. Children leave their drawings there, adults often leave emoticons.
Even if our Airbnb experience ends, it will remain a fond memory for us for a long time.
Hi @Vladimir-and-Elena1, thanks for sharing your experience here - it's great to have you 😊
I've just translated your post to English, as given that this is the English Community Center, the majority of the hosts here speak English, and I wanted to make sure that as many people as possible could benefit from your post here. Unfortunately my Russian is pretty poor, so I used Google to translate your post (I speak Spanish, but two languages is my limit currently - I must make an effort to learn more!).
It would be great if we had a Russian Community Center, but unfortunately we're not there yet. Perhaps when replying here you could add the English translation to your posts, so that others here can more easily reply to you?
In terms of your guestbook, I love the fact that you used your experience as a guest in Nice to inform your own hosting! How did you phrase the appeal to guests on the first page, asking them to write in the book?
The appeal is very simple, welcoming.
I have thought about a guest book... however it would be another thing to mange... Since I have 4 listing, I would have to have 4 of them. There are pros and cons... so far I am not considering to have guest books. Maybe some day I change my mind.
We do keep a guest book. I would estimate 1/4 guests leave an entry. This one of my favorites -> guest was at Mass with then VP Biden - who will be the next President of the United States.
Ahhhh this is cool @Ann783! I like that your guestbook has prompt questions too - do you always use these kinds of guestbooks? I wonder if it helps to guide people on how to use the book and what to write?
We keep a guest comment book and just about all of our guests write a few words in it. Love to read it when we come down. They share things they loved about the house, things that would be nice to have, places they visited or ate at during their stay and it helped us to address any issues with the home and pick up things that they thought would be nice to have. We will continue to do it.
Sounds like yours is working perfectly for you @Rita364 😊 Where do you keep the guest book? Is there anything special that you do it highlight it to guests?
We have a guest book - a simple pretty spiral bound book with lined pages. I write a welcome message in the front of the book, hope that they enjoy the cabin/house, etc. We have books that go back 15 years. This is the first year that most of my bookings have come from AirBnB, and most of those guests do not leave a message. I believe it is because they are being asked for an online review (which they can write on their phone) so why put pen to paper. I will still leave out a guest book.
I'm just getting started but it is a great idea. I know someone who has a poster on a walk that people sign. It is very decorative and fun
Thanks for sharing @Lisa5829, lot of ideas here for your own guest book 😊 Ah wow, I'd love to see a picture of the poster if you have one?
@Katie lol..I would love to take a picture and share, but it was a guy I use to date 🙂 No bad feelings, but we haven't spoken in a while. He was very creative. I wish I had taken a picture.
Haha completely fair enough @Lisa5829 😊 I would love to do this though...thinking about ways I could create something that survives the elements here in the UK - if you have any tips then send me a DM!
Let us know how you get on with your guest book too 🙂