Do your guests ever ask you to plan their trip prior to booking?

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Do your guests ever ask you to plan their trip prior to booking?

I have rarely if ever gotten questions from guests asking to plan their trip even after a booking has been made. Chicago is huge and relying on the host to plan a trip is simply silly. There’s so many online platforms designed for that.


Recently I’ve had several inquiries in a row with guests asked me to help them plan their trips prior to booking. Every time I have told them that I would  be happy to help once the reservation is made. None of them ended up booking.


Should I be putting more effort into this?

Top Answer
Level 10
North Bay, Canada

As someone pointed out, guests have access to your Guidebook although few know that it is there. I have a copy printed in my “Guest Guidebook” binder which also includes pamphlets and trail maps for visitor information, as well history articles from our  local newspaper. It also include guides to all things related to the apartment, heat, air conditioning, garbage, hot tub, wifi etc...

If someone asks me what to do in my city I send them a link to my Guidebook in Airbnb so it’s easy to find and I highlight three things that I think they may really like.   If they don’t choose to stay with us, I’m not offended.  I know we are one of the highest priced places in our area so money maybe it’s a factor and we are on their wish list but not attainable. I still enjoy being an ambassador for our City and AIRBNB. I’m sure it pays off in some ways. Having said that, I’m sure some of you in big cities have too many requests to be spending your time giving our free advice.  

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45 Replies 45
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

My guests always come with big plans; we want to go see the reef, also go south to Monkey River, go on the fishing trip and on a cruise to see the other islands. I always tell them, "Come and then decide", we have you covered for whatever you want to do. So they do come and  then forget all about the other places and stay in the island busy just 'being there'.