Expand the word limit on reviews!

Expand the word limit on reviews!

I saw this topic in 2023, but I'm re-opening for 2024. I just stayed at a rental with some "quirks & challenges" that other renters should know about, though my experience was mostly positive. I spent several hours over a couple of days carefully crafting a review that was both positive and informative, nicely laid out with bullet points for easy skimming, only to lost 75% of it when cutting and pasting into the little box.


Now, I've spent 2 hours trying to whittle it down to the word count, and the only way to do that is to leave out nearly all the useful info. Super annoying!


In the 2023 thread, some folks said they only read short reviews, but I appreciate and read longer, more careful reviews that give an honest appraisal of what to expect.


This new, shorter count does a disservice to the community of prospective renters. Please increase to 2500 words, or better yet, remove any word limits.


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