
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Fake profile of guest.

Level 3
New Jersey, United States

Fake profile of guest.

Here I am sharing my hosting experience, I currently have a guest staying at my 2 room condo for a week. My listing is pretty basic and cheap and occasionally when I don’t have my family member staying with me then I host Airbnb guest. My listing is very clear and contains all the information all up to date. 
So talking about the guest I have, haves an Airbnb profile picture as a group photo and it’s hard to recognize that it’s her, also her profile says she is from DC which she disagreed upon confirming. And I kind of figured out she told me few details about date and time and purpose which were all blatant lies. She altered her reservation for 3 times before arriving. From the moment she arrived she demanded for tea, laundry, use common area etc all of which is not a part of my listing. Then she doubted me saying the towels and linens were not washed. I took everything and as a good host answered her humbly with a smile on face and also shared home cooked meal with her. 
It got more annoying when she started disturbing me during my meetings. I work from home these days as a full time Sr. Environmental engineer. My meetings were put on hold and pause to request her to stay quite. Then further it carried on by she staying awake till 3am and being noisy which made me have sleepless night. Upon all these I contacted Airbnb support and asked for a solution. So I asked her if she wants to cancel the booking if it’s not fulfilling her demands and want to look for another listing, trust me! I was intimidated by her aggressive approach in this. Ultimately I decided to stay calm and avoid any interaction with her. 
The main point of discussion is, when a race card was thrown at me. To be clear my guest started up an conversation about being from immigrant family and color. (I do not intend to discriminate or hurt any sentiment here). I am a brown lady, residing in the United States. Airbnb has always been my first choice when I travel domestically or internationally. Because of that I have met many people of different race and i feel good to know different culture. But this week when my guest started a conversation about discrimination i was little worried to extend the chat or what it might result into.
Folks please let me know your suggestions how to tackle such conversations. Also when you have demanding and disturbing guest can Airbnb step in and ask that guest to maintain some peace?

33 Replies 33
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Ritugandha0 "The message was about asking if I host Airbnb guest and some one from my name is inquiring about Jen. 
I followed up with Airbnb on this and it’s another fraudulent activity happening."


This rather confusing- can you clarify? What do you mean "someone from my name is inquiring about Jen"?


What kind of fraudulent activity was it involving Airbnb? Did your Airbnb account get hacked? 


Do you think this Jen looked through your personal paperwork or on your computer when you weren't in the room, to get your social media info?

Level 3
New Jersey, United States

  @Sarah977 None of my account is hacked. I absolutely don’t mean to say that Jen looked through my personal paperwork. 

For your clarification, I received a message from some name Cleo on my Instagram account. And the message was “ hi, do you rent out on airbnb? Someone from your name keeps messaging me on Airbnb asking about Jen.”


so I asked Airbnb if they contacted Cleo, which they said they did not. Now this Cleo says that someone is messaging her from my name, so did someone created my fake account ? I don’t know who is this Cleo. 
And if Cleo is getting messages on Airbnb then Airbnb cyber security must be knowing. And Airbnb contact people via email, not on social media.  And Cleo is someone implanted by Jen then I am being stalked. Does that makes sense ? 

Level 10
Paris, France

Hi @Ritugandha0 

Wow, it's scary, right? 
I know what you did? ‘ you just received a cyper harrasment message.

I’ve the similar case like you, when I beginning to join the CC

While I recognize was to late, the negative impact are coming to my ways.


Never mentioned any person name or the incident detail in the open forum. Do report to the community Amin, to deleted the person name and other sensitive content in all your post for safety reason.

You may need to red flag the guest, block the guest in your  Airbnb message.
Never respond to this person in the social media  and block them as well in social media.

You need to be alert, as the guest know where to find us.if you still feel uncomfortable for these person behavior, it is necessary to report to the local enforcement. 

How to report Inappropriate content? 

The small arrow on the right  top of each post.



Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Ritugandha0  Message (not phone) Airbnb.

Write this:


Please refer this urgently to your trust and safety team.

I have been receiving messages on my Instagram account from someone named Cleo saying they are receiving messages from my Airbnb account concerning a recent guest I had, Jen, who threatened me in my home and was ordered to leave by Airbnb.


I need my account security checked and to investigate whether there are messages being sent from my Airbnb account to this Cleo person.


I really don't undersrand what is going on."


It's all quite strange- this Cleo doesn't seem to be threatening you in any way, just saying she is receiving these messages? Maybe Jen has created some fake look-alike Airbnb messages? Was she tech-savvy? 


Have you asked this Cleo what the messages say? Can you ask her to send you a screenshot? How did Cleo find you on Instagram? (I don't use social media, so I don't know how these things work)


Maybe Jen is harrassing both you and Cleo, or they are in cahoots, but I don't see what the objective is.