False claims from host theft accusation and damages

False claims from host theft accusation and damages

After 10 years as a loyal Airbnb guest with outstanding reviews, I recently had an unfortunate experience that shattered my trust in the platform. During my stay, the host provided poor communication from start to finish, repeatedly requested personal information and payments off-platform, and charged extra for electricity without verifiable proof. Several amenities, including a heated pool we paid extra for, were not functioning properly. Despite these issues, I approached the situation in good faith, expecting fairness from both the host and Airbnb.


Upon checkout, the host falsely accused us of stealing four teaspoons, breaking scissors, damaging walls, and dirtying seating cushions. Like any trusting guest, I didn’t take inventory of teaspoons or inspect every detail upon arrival. I never anticipated needing to defend myself against baseless allegations.


Airbnb quickly refunded us for the unheated pool, acknowledging that the service we paid for wasn’t provided. However, when the host accused us of theft and damage, Airbnb took their side without any verifiable proof, branding me a thief and holding my family responsible for damages we didn’t cause.


To make matters worse, the host left me a nasty review, clearly in retaliation for my complaints. I had contacted Airbnb both during and after my stay to report the host’s misconduct and violations of Airbnb’s policies. It’s evident that these damage claims are a form of revenge, yet Airbnb is enabling this behavior rather than protecting loyal guests.


At this point, the situation feels like harassment, and it raises serious concerns about Airbnb’s dispute resolution process. If a host can arbitrarily claim I stole teaspoons, what stops the next one from accusing me of taking a TV or any other item? The monetary cost of this situation is small, but the damage to trust is immense.


No guest is truly protected under Airbnb’s current system, and this experience has made me seriously reconsider using the platform in the future.

1 Reply 1
Level 1
Fayetteville, GA

Hello,  I am also a 10-year veteran guest with stellar ratings but recently had a similar experience with Airbnb's violating the LAW!    If there are other readers seeing this, I invite that we initiate a class action suit against Airbnb.
In my case the host accused me of leaving the property "filthy", "damaged", and "rude and demanding messaging."   All false, and of course Airbnb could view my messaging with the host to confirm the latter.   This is defamation, and one of the first support persons I spoke with at Airbnb admitted that.    I requested TWICE that Airbnb remove the defamatory review, and they will not do so because they say it does not "violate their policy."

I have responded to Airbnb that violating the law is illegal regardless of "policy", and I am looking forward to finding a class of people in order to hire a superlawyer and recover damages AND compel Airbnb to abide by law!