Going above and beyond

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Going above and beyond

Does anyone feel discouraged when you go above and beyond for guests, and they still end up leaving you 3 or 4 stars? Happened with me recently. I knew the first sign of trouble when she messaged me demanding free early check-in. Out of courtesy and the goodness of my heart, I accepted her request. As soon as she reached, she demanded free Netflix. I told her free Netflix is not advertised on my listing, but I would give it to her anyway since I want her to have a great experience. Finally, she told me she is a psychologist and needs to invite two of her patients for sessions. I have a strict no-visitor policy, since my building administrator frowns upon too many visitors in Airbnbs. In any case, I argued with my administrator and accepted her two visitors.


Then I see she left me a 4 star review. Now I wouldn't mind 4 stars if she gave me any suggestions for improvement, but she didn't. When I asked her why she gave 4 stars, she said "Everything was perfect. I probably should have given 5 stars" and left it at that.


I'm new to hosting and have received perfect 5 stars until now, but this is very discouraging. I'm weighing whether going above and beyond for guests  is worth it anymore. Thoughts? 

10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Please do not offer guests amenities which aren't in your listing, early check in if not convenient for you or let your guest use your place for commercial use ie seeing their clients. @Karan138  It's rarely worth going over and beyond. I only do this for regular guests. If she wanted to see clients she should have hired a consulting room or ask you before booking if it would be possible.


Have a look at my reviews I never offer guests amenities that aren't in my listing, I wouldn't allow a guest to use my place for commercial use, rarely do I agree an early check in. I still have five star reviews for the last three years.

Thank you very much for your reply. That's what I'll do going forward. This has taught me that the more you give, the more you're taken for granted. Most people are just ungrateful, some more than others I suppose. As a new host, I guess I was worried about the review that's why I tolerated her demands. But this business teaches you to be un-generous. Thanks again.

Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Dear @Karan138 🌿

I just read the review your guest left you and I noticed your reply as well. You should be aware at least that your guest won’t get notified that you have left a reply. It will ONLY be upcoming potential guests who will read it. And it can sound a little petty and unprofessional to mention stains etc. Always stay graceful in your replies - think about how a company would reply. 
I would ask Airbnb CS to remove the reply if I were you. 
Best, Sandra

Thank you. The stains were the least of my complaints since it was reimbursed (the comforter is beyond repair). But you're right, I should have left those out from my reply. I just feel like I gave so much, and in return I got taken advantage of. I didn't want to post all that publicly so I tried to keep it polite. Thank you for your advice.

Level 10
Huntington Beach, CA

I would respond back to her review and write how high maintenance she was. Let any future hosts know all of her after all of your freebies that you granted her, she left you a rating of a 4. 
when asked her why?  she a said  “ I should have given you a 5 star & not doing anything to change it. It shows what type of a guest she will be for somebody else. 

Thank you very much for your advice. Much appreciated.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Karan138 , Welcome to the Community Center! 🌻

Hosts have shared some advices and considerations on your post. Did you find them useful? How are you considering to implement these tips in the long run especially regarding reviews? 


I hope this experience does not deter you from having great guest experiences along your hosting journey in future. 


There are also some Airbnb articles related to reviews and review policies, which could be beneficial to familiarize with. Hope it helps!   




Please follow the Community Guidelines

Thank you, yes I've received some excellent tips from hosts. I plan to implement these going forward, especially the one about not going above and beyond in terms of amenities. Hosting can be a thankless job, and it's made even more thankless by Airbnb's policies. I've learned this lesson rather early in my hosting journey, and I plan to be un-generous going forward. Thanks for checking in.

Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Hello @Karan138 ,


You've received some excellent advice from other hosts. I'd like to add that while it’s wise to stick to your amenities and avoid being generous with demanding guests who expect more than what you offer or make you sweat with additional demands, there are also wonderful guests who truly appreciate the host's efforts. These guests communicate their satisfaction with their stay, and for them, going above and beyond—without being asked or expected—is a pleasure. I enjoy being generous with these types of guests.

Thank you for your input. Much appreciated.