Guest checked in but has not come back...

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Guest checked in but has not come back...

Hello, yesterday evening approx 2100 a guest booked and wanted to move in at 2300 (3 adults), I apologised prefusely and said I couldnt host them until 3pm following day, today.  They arrive about 3pm, lovely, 3 young adults.  I give them the tour, spiel, welcome them and they say they are going back home (only half an hour away, if that) to collect their dog, no probs .  Its now gone midnight and they are still not back. no bags left, one light left on, not a prob but the place remains untouched.  They have the key but are not here.  What to do?  is this some kind of scam, not sure how it can be.  The only loss to me so far is the key, bit of a bugger to have to change locks but not the end of the world.  What should I do, am I entitled to ask them their intentions in the morning?  They have booked for 10 days....2 lots of 5 night bookings.  its a bit weird I think.  they are very non rural people (our place is very quaint/rural/villagy), not really for me to question that but i just don't get why they wouldn't use the premises they have paid for...?

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Easy guests, the are paying for the accommodation. but they are not being around.

Maybe wait what will happen next. They will show up at some point.

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7 Replies 7
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Easy guests, the are paying for the accommodation. but they are not being around.

Maybe wait what will happen next. They will show up at some point.

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

  I worry a bit about this  booking…local and very short notice is a red flag. Why would three young adults need to stay at your place a half hour away from their home? You are a new host with a brand new (beautiful by the way) entire place listing and as such, you are a target for people looking to get up to no good. I don’t mean to scare you, but do proceed cautiously and be on your guard.  It sounds like you are nearby, so that’s good.

Thank you so much for your input. It’s odd. My gut says so but I can’t imagine what they might think they can get up to... are there any well practiced or known about things they might be getting up to or planning, just so I’m prepared/forewarned is forearmed!

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Carina213  I would be cautious and pay attention to what goes on over there, but don't read too much into it at this point. They're young, spontaneous. Something else might have come up- a friend invited them to a party, whatever. 


They could be up to no good, but at this point you don't know. Yes, if they don't appear again tonight, definitely message them in the morning and ask what their intentions are. And nothing wrong with asking (just frame the question as being curious) why they would book a place 30 minutes from where they live.

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

They have arrived but at 2am, is this normal?  perhpas i am worrying too much!


@Carina213  It sounds to me like a few young city folks who wanted a break somewhere quiet and peaceful, without the hassle of having to travel far, but still have some strings attached at home and aren't quite "away from it all." 


Going to bed at 2 AM is pretty normal for young adults who don't have work or school in the morning, so that's not suspicious in itself. As long as there were no undisclosed visitors with them, I'd let that go.

 @Anonymous  That very likely is the case for Carina, but I had the exact same scenario a month into my hosting journey. This was before we had security cameras. The guests were quiet, and responded to my message check ups throughout the time they were there and I had no reason to be alarmed, but unbeknownst to me, they had extra people coming and going, and there was a lot of damage and theft. It turned out this Airbnb ID verified guest was known to police. 

That may scare @Carina213  but I would prefer new hosts be a little scared if it makes them cautious rather than complacent. Airbnb lulls new hosts into a false sense of security with their marketing, and I hate to see the call to reality come to others as mine did.

@Carina213 Nothing they are doing is out of the ordinary, and no doubt all will be just fine, but do keep an eye on your place, and let us know how you get on.