Guest compensation

Level 3
San Antonio, TX

Guest compensation

We just had a very poor communicating guest leave yesterday.  In the middle of the last night of her 5 day stay, she sent a messge complaining of noise from neighbors.  We immediately called security, who went up but had to return the second time in less than 30 minutes due to loud music.  The admininistrator ended up calling the renter of that unit and issue resolved in less than an hour.  However, we did feel quite badly and didn't want to risk a bad review, so we sent a compensation of $75.  Does she need to accept that in 48 hours?  Thx!


15 Replies 15

@Fred13 , it was the right thing to do even though she wasn't the "best" guest.  We do not change who we are because of how others are, right?  Thx for your response!