Guest in possession, and I have not been paid


Guest in possession, and I have not been paid

I received a message that a guest who has moved in a week ago has not paid Airbnb . Got an email from airbnb stating they are not liable if guest doesn't pay? Huh? How is this possible? Please advise.....

Top Answer
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Lorie127 It should not be possible unless the guest part paid or cancelled their card . If they have already been there a week you should already have received that money . Ring Airbnb immediately because it is probably not the guests issue and in fact should not have anything to do with you, just yet unless Airbnb are telling you that the guest has committed fraud . Did you ask a question about payment to get that response, as since you are a new host then you may not get the payment from Airbnb for up to a month, but that does not mean it has not been paid by the guest.Do not accuse your guest of not paying because that is very unlikely to be the situation... H

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2 Replies 2
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Lorie127 It should not be possible unless the guest part paid or cancelled their card . If they have already been there a week you should already have received that money . Ring Airbnb immediately because it is probably not the guests issue and in fact should not have anything to do with you, just yet unless Airbnb are telling you that the guest has committed fraud . Did you ask a question about payment to get that response, as since you are a new host then you may not get the payment from Airbnb for up to a month, but that does not mean it has not been paid by the guest.Do not accuse your guest of not paying because that is very unlikely to be the situation... H

If they stayed a week then I guess they have already left ?.Maybe its a local holiday holding up your payment... H