Guest is threatening negative review if I don't refund her 100%

Level 2
United States

Guest is threatening negative review if I don't refund her 100%

I have been trying to work a situation out with a difficult guest for the last few days.  She is now threatening negative reviews and demanding 100% refund among other things.  She is not entitled to any refund based on my refund policy but I did open the door to a possible refund simply because I am a thoughtful host. Essentially she changed her mind about our place due to lack of work space even though I don't advertise one. 


At this point I don't want to respond to her so I don't appear to be trying to "buy off" a bad review.  All my kind and professional responses have been met with escalating aggression.  How can I report this user?  Can she be blocked from communicating with me? 

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Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil





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Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



I hope you have all the details via Airbnb messaging.  Then I would call Airbnb for assistance, before she calls them. If you have everything via messages, CS will be able to review the case and details.

Everything is in messaging.  I am trying to navigate the help center to get to a point where I can call about this issue but can't find the appropriate topic.  I wasn't sure if there was specific protocol?  


I already have an outstanding ticket where I was trying to understand something about the refund process related to this guest so I guess I can just add this info to that ticket?  I've been told I will get a call back this week regarding my original question before the "review threat" occurred. 

@Renee468  How much time do you have until the reservation starts?  The guest can't leave a review until, I think?, the day of check-in.  So, you would want to work backwards from this date in terms of getting airbnb to help you....but I wouldn't count on it.  Also remember, if you give a refund before the guest has officially cancelled, she can still do the review and never cancel at all, so you would be out $ and out a bad review.  If you can conclusively prove the guest is blackmailing you, you might get Airbnb to cancel the reservation on your behalf and then the guest can't do any review.

She stayed a few days and then wanted to leave with 14 days left on her reservation.  I tried to offer her some reasonable options and allowed her to get out of the reservation including a partial refund but I don't know how to respond to her anymore. Can Airbnb cancel the reservation at this point? All the conversations have been in Airbnb messaging.  

@Renee468  Phone calls seem to be the worst way of dealing with CS and they are well known for never calling back no matter how sincere they sound about doing that. It just seems to be a way of getting rid of you. And many reports of them claiming they don't have any record of you calling.


Unless it's an emergency situation, it's better to use their chat message option or contact them through their Twitter account, so there is a written record of the conversation.


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Contact Airbnb and ask them to block the guests and confirm she is threatening a bad review if you don't refund contrary to your terms @Renee468 


just call them on their standard customer service number 

Ok created a new ticket reporting the behavior and asked for her to be blocked