Guest left a large crack in ceramic cooker hob

Level 3
London, United Kingdom

Guest left a large crack in ceramic cooker hob

Hi, so I have lodged a request for reimbursement for a replacement as it is unsafe to use cracked glass electric hobs.


I couldn't get back to the property until a few days after the guest checked out. He must know, or his companion must know, they had done it but didn't tell me.


I noticed it when I got back home tonight after spending a few days away. No one else had access to the property between him checking out and me returning to it so it is definitely one of the two guests who caused the damage.


It will cost me nearly £300 to get it replaced - the hob itself cost £150 but it cost £20 for delivery and there was a £90 connection fee, plus VAT. I didn't know how much to request so just requested the total on the invoice sent to me by, who I bought it from 3 years ago. 


I feel uneasy asking for a refund but can't just afford to replace it myself. These guests also tread mud all through the hallway, left all the windows open, the hot water on, left dirty cups etc in the sink and garbage unemptied. I don't think they really understood the concept of airbnb and thought it was just like a hotel. 


What happens if the guest doesn't want to pay? I can't imagine he will want to fork out nearly £300. 


Does anyone else have ceramic hobs in their rentals? I'm thinking of replacing it with an ugly but more robust metal plate cooktop, sigh....

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If the guest has damaged the hob, then follow the process on Airbnb for claiming guest damages @Catherine468 . Contact the guest with photo/video evidence and an estimate for the cost of replacement.  If they don't reply or refuse, raise with Airbnb who will investigate.


Please leave an honest review about the damage and the state the property was left in.

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8 Replies 8
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If the guest has damaged the hob, then follow the process on Airbnb for claiming guest damages @Catherine468 . Contact the guest with photo/video evidence and an estimate for the cost of replacement.  If they don't reply or refuse, raise with Airbnb who will investigate.


Please leave an honest review about the damage and the state the property was left in.

Thanks Helen, I'm wary about having raised this - and leaving a negative review - as the two men who stayed here were a bit scary looking and know where I live, obviously.  Anyway the lead guest has refused to pay, saying he and his friend never used the cooker or the hob. They must have dropped something, or put something down heavily on it, though for it to crack. So I've referred it back to airbnb. 

Level 3
London, United Kingdom

Does anyone know how long it takes airbnb to resolve these issues? I referred the matter to airbnb two days ago and have not heard back. Meanwhile I have a cracked electric hob which is unusable and therefore I can't accept any further bookings on airbnb while it is in a state of disrepair. 

Level 6
Ribeira Cha, Portugal

Just to complicate things... I was a guest recently and while cooking pasta the pot overflowed (with the starch foam) and when the water hit the stovetop, the ceramic cracked. This does happen with ceramic when a substance like starch that has a high heat point, gets on the surface. I am offering to pay for the damage, but I also feel that it should be shared. I took good care of the place and pots boil over sometimes?


I am also a host. I think I would ask the guest to share the cost, but I'm interested to hear opinions. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Did the host warn you  that you  shouldn't let pasta water overflow into the hob.


it does seem strange that a host  would install a hob that cracks from hot water boiling over in place where you have Airbnb guests @Anne1057 


personally I wouldn't pay for the damage at all if the host didn't warn you this could happen. 

Level 6
Ribeira Cha, Portugal

Thanks Helen3. Of course it happened right before I left the place and flew home. 🙂


I don't think he knew that this was a risk. I think he was convinced I had dropped a heavy object on it.  I found some information online about how this can happen and sent it to him. I suppose it's possible that the stovetop was older and already compromised, but I'm not sure. 



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Then just say to him how the crack was caused a as nd there was no warning from him that this would happen @Anne1057 

Level 6
Ribeira Cha, Portugal

Thank you Helen3. I appreciate your no-nonsense answer!! 🙂