Guest paid for 4 weeks now wants to leave after 1 week and get refund for rest

Level 4
Colchester, United Kingdom

Guest paid for 4 weeks now wants to leave after 1 week and get refund for rest

Hi guys I wonder if someone could help please. I am in the middle of a difficult booking.


I have a guest who booked for 4 weeks. I was there are the beginning to greet them in person.  They seemed very pleasant and amenable.  I always explain to my guests that if they have any issues, they can contact me and I will resolve asap. ( I am Superhost , for many years - and always have good communication with my guests)


As I wasn't present, after a couple of weeks I messaged them via Airbnb App to see how they were getting on. Previous to that , I had received no messages from the guest. They then replied...


To my surprise they told me that they had only stayed there a week , and wanted three weeks refund. Her explanation was that she had problems with her ex-boyfriend stalking her, and she said that he might have found out where she was. So she left to go and find another Airbnb for a month! Although I am sympathetic to her explanation, I have had no chance to re-list the property, and even if I do its unlikely to be booked at this late stage in the summer. She will need to cancel at her end.


As to her personal situation, all I can say is that my town in UK is very safe, my house is 200m from the police station and (as I explained to the guest) I have excellent kind neighbours on both sides of my house. The guest is naturally from the local area anyway.


If I can relist I can give her some refund, or at least come to some arrangement. But the main issue for me is that I feel that if I dont give her money back I am over a barrel wrt to stars & superhost


Many thanks




4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I would explain to the guest that you blocked off the dates for her stay in good faith .


and that it wasn't until a week after she says she left the property that she let you know she left early when you contacted her to see how her stay was going.


it makes no sense that she would have left to go to another airbnb if she was concerned about an ex partner finding her. Unless she gave her  ex access to her and  airbnb account he would have no idea where she was and changing to another airbnb would have made no difference @Simon364 


It seems strange if she wanted to avoid a violent ex that she would book somewhere local to where he is.


i would say although she isn't eligible for a refund under the long stay policy she booked under if she cancels and you are able to rebook any of the dates you will look to provide a proportional refund of the host fee 

Level 4
Colchester, United Kingdom

Hi Helen


Thanks for your kind reply.  I understand under the Airbnb system I have a right to do this however


My main concern is if this happens, then the review will be appalling eg 1 star and I can lose my star average and hence superhost

Hi @Simon364 

I agree with @Helen3 , this seems a bit odd; especially the fact she left and didn't tell you! Had she communicated right away, you could have had her cancel ASAP giving more of an opportunity for you to re-book and provide a courtesy refund if you were able to rebook.


As it is, she didn't do that, thus making it very difficult for you to rebook those dates. I would ask her to cancel ASAP and offer a courtesy refund if you are able to rebook (minus Airbnb fees). 


It seems Superhost doesn't mean much anymore but Guest Favorite does. I wouldn't let concerns over that stop you. If you have many other good reviews, guests will see this is a one off if she gives you a low rating. 

Level 2
Mt Dora, FL

First off I would contact Airbnb.  I would explain the situation, take names of who you speak to and see their take on your rating.  Retaliatory rating is usually taken down by Airbnb (or so I’ve been told).  I had a weird situation and unbelievably the person gave me a high rating just because I responded immediately and took care of it, unfortunately not to the benefit of the guests!


I have had bookings that left early and they asked for a refund.  I simply said I’m sorry this happened to you but you’ve left me in a position I can’t get a booking at this late date.  I would be happy to offer you a credit for a future stay minus the Airbnb charges and cleaning.  I then keep note of it in my calendar book.  I’ve had three of these in three years.  Only one has been used and I’m a superhost and guest favorite.