Guests: Couple versus Single

Level 10
Montreal, Canada

Guests: Couple versus Single

Adapting your home.jpg


Greetings fellow hosts!
 I would love to get your comments and advice.


I am a humble Canadian host, who lives on-site in my home. I offer solo travellers a private bedroom (with single bed, desk and clothes drawers) and private bathroom.


The  private bedroom is about 175 square feet of space (not including the bedroom closet).


A few guests suggested I offer the private bedroom for a couple; remove the single bed (measuring 39" x 75 "), and put in a double bed (measuring 54" x 75").


To do so, I would have to remove the clothes drawers and get creative in the closet!

Would the end result  be too limiting, too cramped?  

As a host, do you tend to get more guest as couples  versus  singles?   


Again, your comments and advice would be greatly appreciated!  

Thank you! 



1 Best Answer
Level 10
Barcelona, Spain

My experience:


If you have "special" House Rules or details you need every single guest to do, **don't host couples**. 

If most of guests don't read your room's profile, be almost sure that one in the couple won't have any idea about your space before coming.


Also, **never take out a desk/table from a guest room**. It's one of the things people use to ask for. To the point that my big room don't have any table and I had complaint in the reviews because of that (true!).


Personally, I stopped hosting couples and I truly think this is one of the best desicions I took in Airbnb.

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heheh, yes.


I was Superhost until I start hosting couples XD

I don't mind about the category, but I was upset because they had a tricky actitude, in comparison with solos. Of couse I have host very nice couples, also, but the average is negative, in my case.

@Harold75  My second guest ever was a young woman who arrived alone, went into town for the evening, and then the next morning emerged from her room with a guy in tow. As I had just started hosting and had not yet found this forum, I was rather shocked. However, it was obvious that she wasn't trying to pull a fast one, as she immediately introduced me to her friend as if it was all okay, and when I said "You booked for 1 person and I only host solo travelers" she looked so shocked and crestfallen that I could tell she just assumed that if she booked a room, she could have another person if she wanted to. (she was brand new to Airbnb)

So I said "What, you're both going to squish into that little single bed?" They said, "Oh, yes, no problem". So I just charged them a bit extra and let him stay.

They were both really sweet kids and it turned out that they were "sort of" boyfriend/girlfriend but he had been travelling in Canada and the US for 6 months and was hitchhiking to my town and they had a tentative plan to meet here but of course he didn't know when exactly he'd get here.  They spent everyday until about noon in their room but were quiet about whatever they were doing in there, took long walks, went out dancing at night, and were really quite lovely. Her review was brief but wonderful "I spent the best week of my life here."

So I'm glad I didn't make a huge deal of it, but it let me know that some people will share a single bed if you let them 🙂 Now that I'm more experienced, I make sure to reiterate when people book that it's only for one.

I really don't want to be surprised by an extra person in the morning, sounds like it was OK on that occasion but I am very clear that it's singles only. It's not a moral thing, I just don't  want a complete stranger who doesn't even have an AirBnb profile in my house

@Geraldine219  Oh, I agree- I was just new to hosting and wasn't sure how to handle it, and in that case it worked out fine. And I could tell within a couple minutes of talking to the guy that he was nothing to worry about. Super polite, friendly, open and sweet.

But it happened again a year later, altho the circumstances were diffeent- the female guest brought a guy home at 3AM, they were drunk and noisy and woke me up and the next morning when I got up, they were already gone. But she had another 4 days left on her booking, so I immediately texted here and told her what she had done was not cool at all. She then asked if he could stay too and she'd pay extra, and I said no.

Exactly, that’s what I don’t want. I had a regular roommate who did that a lot with guys that she didn’t know, and it was something I didn’t want any more.

@Geraldine219 I just don't  want a complete stranger who doesn't even have an AirBnb profile in my house.

That is an excellent point!! 




@Sarah977  Thanks for sharing that.   That is a classic!  

You think hosting couples isn't worth it? That makes sense actually... Could you say a little more about it though? Thank you in advance

I have two rooms side by side with double beds, desks and a shared bathroom (just for those rooms). I decided to only let to singles if I was letting both rooms because the soundproofing between the rooms isn't good, I ask people to use their headphones for music. Also, if I had two couples book at once, 4 would be too many to share one bathroom. Above all, I prefer interacting with solo travellers for the reasons @Sarah977  says.  I think it's good to have a double bed though, I always appreciate a bigger bed when I'm travelling. My guests seem to use the desk but I could probably lose the chest of drawers which I use as a nightstand if I had to lose something. And having the double bed means if I decide to just let one room, which I might do, it could be for a couple.

@Geraldine219   That is an excellent point about the bathroom.   I can imagine an increase with couples puts more wear and tear on resources, hot water etc. , not to mention a waiting line! 

Double bed:   Even if for one  guest that is a point well taken!!