Guests show up a month early to "tour the property", this happened to anyone else?

Level 5
Hartwell, GA

Guests show up a month early to "tour the property", this happened to anyone else?

We recently had a guest show up to tour the property one month in advance. They didn't let us know they were coming and proceeded to walk around our home and onto our covered dock. We had other guests staying in our home at the time and were taken by surprise when we were informed that this happened. When I contacted support they told me that whenever someone makes a reservation they are provided our address, and have the right to come to our property anytime as long as they don't enter the home. 


Is this true? This is our primary residence and if so I feel very uncomfortable with not being able to control when guests can come to visit my property. Has this happened to anyone else? 

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Maggie, this issue is being worked on at the moment!

What has happened here is, the way Airbnb traditionally operated was, guests were given a property address and details as soon as they booked. Airbnb did alter that late last year after complaints from hosts that guests were booking, receiving precise property details and were then, for one reason or another, cancelling their booking with details like entry codes and other sensitive information that had already been given, in their possession! Some even did this in an attempt to simply bypass Airbnb.


The policy then became, house rules and property details would be provided to a confirmed reservation 36-48 hours prior to the commencement of the stay. There has been such a dramatic backlash from booked guests complaining they have no stay details.....the stay is about to commence and they have no address..... no contact with the owner, the complaints were of such a substantial number that Airbnb have gone part way back to the original model until something else can be worked out. 

You have in the first instance got onto an CX who was not entirely helpful or understanding, but was at least up with the current ruling unlike quite a few of them, But to be fair changes to the platform are happening at such a rate that CX don't get a chance to keep their templates up to date.


I am glad you got a neutral cancellation in the end Maggie, you are much better off without a guest like that. Guests who wish to take advantage of and stretch the rules, never make good guests.


Good luck Maggie and I hope its a long time before you strike another like that again.


Just one last point, when you make an approach to customer support a ticket will be opened with your issue. That ticket will remain open until it is closed to either to the satisfaction of both parties or CX, through guidelines, chooses to close it. But while that ticket remains open any subsequent contact is directed straight back to that agent!

If you feel you are not getting adequate attention to your problem and CX are not prepared to pass your ticket on to a higher level of help, thank the agent for their help and ask them to close the case. When that is done, make a new complaint and that way you will get a fresh pair of eyes looking at your problem. Be polite and passive in the way you talk to them, remember they are getting their heads ripped off all day and when someone nice comes along it is like a breath of fresh air to them and they do lower their barriers and go in to bat for you!



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48 Replies 48

That young buck should have escalated the issue to management. 


No training..fault still on this multi billion dollar company

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

I would definitely cancel their reservation!! I will feel so uncomfortable with these people !!

Level 10


I had guests who had booked 1 week in August and they showed up unannounced in June. At the very day and very hour they came here, we were in the process of building a concrete wall. We had a big concrete mixer attatched to an even bigger tractor running and mixing concrete, everything was in full swing and we had our work clothes on with concret spilled all over, it was hot and we were sweating.


They asked if they could take a look at the property and I said no. As the tractor with the attatched concrete mixer was standing in the middle of the driveway, they had to pull backwards with their car the entire 1000 ft steep and gravel driveway back to the public road.


They were not happy.


@Maggie277  , @Branka-and-Silvia0 




@Ute42  Common sense is not so common! Where do these people come from?!




They come from out of the blue. Such people cannot imagine, that showing up unannounced at the property of a person they have never met before may be disturbing. It is just bad behaviour.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Sounds like you had the sweetest job with your concrete wall compared to what I am going through at the moment!

I said to Steph a while ago, I am having what can only be described as a sh*t of  week!! 

My neighbour tells me there is a smell of septic which he has traced to our boundary fence! Now Randall & Jo are lovely neighbours and the last thing I would want to do is sh*t on get my drift Ute!

It is about 38 metres from the septic tank to the common sewer system in the street, and all of it is in the old earthenware sewer pipe with joints about every 90cms and if you would ask me what would be my idea of shear purgatory, it would be to dig up a 70 year old leaking sewer system!

I am three days into it and will probably spend another 5 jack-hammering up concrete and getting all this oozie mess removed from around the leaking pipe joints, disposing of the old pipes and replacing with shiny new PVC. Am I painting a somewhat unpalatable picture Ute? ........Good!

If guests arrived here unannounced at the moment I could always offer them a shovel! :-((






Hi Rob,


in order to dig up a 70 year old leaking sewer system the best thing for You to have would be an excavator. This is the one we have:



2019-07-16 birthday excavator.jpg




I bought this excavator in 2017 brandnew and gave it as a birthday present to my husband. He liked it a lot.


And here's the situation when we were mixing concrete in the middle of the driveway to build a wall.



2019-07-16 mixing concrete in the driveway.jpg




Can You imaging guest showing up to „tour the property“ while I'm in the middle of doing this?



2019-07-16 working in the driveway.jpg



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Gee that sure is a generous birthday present Ute....I think about all Ade would stretch to is a hard hat and a pair of safety glasses and maybe a set of toxic gloves!

As lovely as that excavator is Ute it is not the implement for simply would not fit in the available space.....This is a hand to bucket job!



This was lunch time on the first day, 4 metres of 35!  I have since got to the 20 metre mark so am more than half way....I am just hoping this old body can hold up to the end. Each night I find even the simplest manoeuvers like getting out of a comfortable chair a supreme challenge!

There is about 25 metres of digging along this dead side of the house and then another 10 into the back garden, and I can assure you Ute, it smells as bad as it looks.


Those around me are saying, 'why the hell don't you just get a plumber in?'...A certain logic there, but with as cost difference of close to $12,000 I would rather put that money towards another holiday. I will soon forget about these shi**y days in the trench when I am catching up with dear friends in Greece or France, or beyond!






Oh boy, $12,000 to have it made, that is something. Our excavator cost $30,000 but You have it for a couple of years and it pays off.


So what's left for You is digging - I feel for You.


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I'm afraid cottage gardens and excavators don't go hand in hand, so I can't see something like that being a cost effective purchase.


Look Ute, there is another side to this! All through my life I have prided myself that no matter what the challenge, I will have a go at it.

This project is doing my self esteem the world of good. At my age I need to be able to look back on a difficult undertaking and say...."I did that'!

And think of the benefits I am doing to myself physically by being so active! With all the good this exercise is doing to my body, I might just outlast the replacement pipe I am putting in!!! 






That's right. My husband for example does all the firewood we need by hand with an ax. It's not that we couldn't buy a machine for the job, but it's good exercise and he says he can sleep very well after an afternoon of wood chopping.


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Nobody chops wood like a German wood-chopper!

And I would lay a bet you would have him running around like a chicken with it's head chopped off!  hahaha ;-))



Level 10
San Antonio, TX

@Maggie277  You can set your listing so the exact street address is not visible to booked parties until the end of your free cancellation period.  Go to LOCATION and at the very bottom is a setting that reads "Visibility for booked guests" .  You can set to Share details AFTER the free cancellation period.  With a moderate cancellation option,  guest will not have your address until 5 days before the start of their reservation.  Hope this is helpful.

@Linda-And-Richard0 wrote:

@Maggie277  You can set to Share details AFTER the free cancellation period.  With a moderate cancellation option,  guest will not have your address until 5 days before the start of their reservation.  

The "Free" cancellation period is only 48 hours from the time that they book.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

 As someone else said, there are a lot of states in the U.S. that have 'stand your ground' laws allowing for deadly force to protect yourself or your property. 


Telling guests it's okay to show up at any time before their reservation date and wander around the entire property, without asking permission, to look in the windows, whatever, is very dangerous.