Guests smoking weed in the cottage

Level 2
Torrance, CA

Guests smoking weed in the cottage

I am having an issue with people smoking weed inside the unit even though is against my policy. I am stricly no smoking in my unit, the  no smoking policy is on my web page in bold letters, I have a sign inside the unit with pictures of no smoking nor vaping, and the policy is even on my welcome letter.

Last time I was frustrated with a guest for ignoring the rule that I finally gave someone a low score. I think is disrecpecful, selfish, and inconsidereate for a guest to do this. They could walk outside and smoke, they could go to their car and smoke, or how about don't and they still did it.


What have you guys done or do? Always something new to tackle.



4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you had evidence, I would have asked Airbnb to cancel the booking immediately and ask the guest  @Miriam245  

I honestly think the approach you recommend is too harsh. I think you have to give people a chance to rectify their mistake.

Level 2
Tutbury, United Kingdom

@Miriam245 I would also like to know how to tackle this problem its happened to me a few times.  There's so much work involved getting rid of the smell. plus loss of business 

I called Airbnb and their customer support helped me, they suggested to put it on the website, posted a note in plain sight in the studio, and added it as part of my welcome letter.  I noted I don't want anyone vaping, smoking, weed, cigars, cigarettes or anything. It is part of my house rules, and I have noted that if the guest breaks the house rule, they are subject to a $300.00 cleaning fee. So far this has worked.